Creflo Dollar - Understanding Satan's Mode of Operation - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Just like you get dressed every day, you ought to put the Word on every day. Put that Word on every single day. Put on your identity, your righteousness. Take the shield of faith, so every time he's saying something that doesn't go with...

Creflo Dollar - Understanding Satan's Mode of Operation - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You make sure that it's loud and clear. Satan, not here, not today. You can't devour me. I'm not gonna allow you to devour me. I'm not gonna pay attention to your thoughts. See, sometimes we yield, and we sit in those thoughts,...

Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

So you wonder why Judas betrayed Jesus. A devil entered in. Satan entered into Judas. If you ever wonder why you do certain things, and I'm not saying you got a devil all the time. I mean, don't get that attitude. Every time you see...

Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

You got to recognize, any time any voice that goes against the Word and the plan of God, that's the devil. You understand that? That's the devil. We're not talking about spitting up green stuff. We're just talking about...

Sid Roth - Use This Strategy to Stop Satan in His Tracks with Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: My guest has a unique gift that enables her to see angels and demons....

Rick Renner - What Is The Seat of Satan?

Rick Renner

What is the seat of Satan? Does Satan have a seat in the world today? How do we combat principalities and powers? Join Rick Renner today for answers to these questions....

David Jeremiah - The Great Deceiver Who Seeks to Destroy

David Jeremiah

Knowing our spiritual enemy is important and vital. In this message, preached live from Glendale, Arizona, Dr. Jeremiah talks about who Satan is and what he does. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Signs....

Sid Roth - Satan Brought Me to Hell to Make Me His Son... with John Ramirez

Sid Roth

Satan brought John Ramirez to hell to make John his son. This is one story you don't want to miss! John Ramirez was a high-ranking, satanic priest God literally plucked from the fire. He learned fear is the devil’s number one weapon. Are you...

Sid Roth - Satan Spoke to Me. Then God Roared These Words with Mario Murillo

Sid Roth

Satan came into Mario Murillo's room and began speaking to him. Then God came roaring with words that Mario will never forget. Watch to find out what God said to Mario! Does God really want to fill you with the Greater Glory? Mario Murillo says...

Charles Stanley - Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us

Charles Stanley

Why do we experience spiritual defeats—even after salvation? Some mock the idea of a literal devil, but Scripture affirms that Satan is real. His goals are to draw us away from God, thwart His purposes, and cause division. In this message, Dr....

Sid Roth - Ex-Satanist Reveals Real Horrors of Satanism with Alan Ray and Sharon

Sid Roth

In this It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 1999: In Mount Shasta, there are some 26 major cults. There's witchcraft there. But although the devil has power, inside Bethel Church is an explosion of God's power. And I want to...

Sid Roth - This Satanic High Priestess Was No Match for God with Lisa Gwinn

Sid Roth

What happens when a high priestess of satan tries to seduce a man and encounters a power that causes all hell to break loose? This satanic high priestess found she was no match for God!...