Touré Roberts - Upgrade Season

Touré Roberts

Message : Upgrade Season Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church The theme we’re going to explore today is called «Upgrade Season.» I believe in seasons, and I think that any wise person should adopt a seasoned mentality. The reason it’s...

Touré Roberts - Stability in Unstable Times

Touré Roberts

Message : Stability in Unstable Times Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I believe that God wants you to have today the gift of stability—not just stability, but stability in unstable times. This is a very fragile time in our world right...

#493 - Joseph Prince - Victory In Your Day of Trouble - Part 4

Joseph Prince

The Lord loves you, and the Lord saves. The God who flung the stars is the same God who binds a broken heart, and he loves you. This God sent his Son. Amen? The cross did not make God love us for God so loved the world that he gave his Son. Long...

#493 - Joseph Prince - Victory In Your Day of Trouble - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Come to Jesus, experience his goodness, and the goodness of God will lead you to repentance. Amen. I believe in repentance. "Oh, Pastor Prince believe in repentance", but I believe in true repentance produced by a revelation of who God is....

#493 - Joseph Prince - Victory In Your Day of Trouble - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The Lord saves us from ourselves. We are our biggest problem many a times. And the Lord saves you from yourself. But every day, you need to know the Lord saves. That's the name of Jesus, Yahoshua, Yeshua, the Lord saves....

#493 - Joseph Prince - Victory In Your Day of Trouble - Part 1

Joseph Prince

When you put Jesus first, all that you have lost for his name's sake you'll receive a hundredfold now in this life....

Bill Johnson - Determine Your Season

Bill Johnson

In some seasons we're called to take hold of our Promised Land with authority. In other situations, we're invited to wait on God like a child. Discern your season with wisdom and respond faithfully - put His promises on your lips with...

Robert Jeffress - A Savior For All Season

Robert Jeffress

The writer of Hebrews reminds us why your faith in Christ is worth holding on to, even during the difficult seasons of life....