Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye to Sexual Regrets

Robert Jeffress

RESOLVED: I will not engage in any sexual activity outside of marriage....

Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex

Jeff Schreve

"You shall not commit adultery." In our world today, we have disgraced, degraded, and discarded the seventh commandment. But there's a reason why that commandment was written by the finger of God. In this convicting message, Pastor...

Benny Hinn - What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 2

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 2 Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 2 Year: 2023...

Benny Hinn - What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 1

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 1 Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: What the Bible Says About Sex? - Part 1 Year: 2023...

Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important To Our Identity?

Jack Hibbs

There seems to be much confusion about sexual identity these days. Is the confusion coming from science? Or is it a calculated spiritual attack on God and His creation? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he continues the conversation on sex & sexuality....

Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important In Marriage?

Jack Hibbs

As the creator of marriage, God has set clear boundaries for sex in the marital relationship. With Christ’s love for the church being the ultimate example for marriage, we can see God’s perfect design in creating a ministry between husband and wife....

Jack Hibbs - Sex: America's New Religion

Jack Hibbs

There’s no doubt about it – sex is worshipped in today’s culture. What does the Bible say about sex & sexuality? How can we, the church, defend the biblical view in this sex-saturated world? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs in his discussion on this...

Jack Hibbs - Does God Really Say NO To Sex?

Jack Hibbs

In some Christian circles, the topic of sex is almost taboo! Does God really see sex this way? Join us as Pastor Jack answers some of your questions and takes a look at what scripture has to say on the purpose and boundaries of sex....

Craig Groeschel - God-Honoring Sex

Craig Groeschel

God-honoring sex—is there even such a thing? Yes, and it’s passionate, built on trust, and holy. Learn the truth about Christian sex in Week 3 of Love Song with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Sex Life

Robert Jeffress

How can anyone be expected to live morally in a sex-crazed world? Today, Jesus offers some frank words about sexual purity that are just as applicable today as they were 2,000 years ago....

Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism

Billy Graham

Many people try to buy happiness, yet remain lonely. If you or someone you know is seeking purpose, listen to Billy Graham's 1987 message from Columbia, South Carolina....

Joyce Meyer - A Candid Conversation About Sex

Joyce Meyer

Sex can be difficult to talk about, even within a marriage. Join Joyce Meyer for a conversation that can help you and your spouse strengthen your level of intimacy....