Touré Roberts - Sexual Wholeness

Touré Roberts

Message : Sexual Wholeness Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Tonight, we’re going to talk about sexual wholeness. Well, don’t get quiet on me! Don’t—sex is everywhere; it is everywhere. When I said God puts sex on my mind, some of you...

Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important To Our Identity?

Jack Hibbs

There seems to be much confusion about sexual identity these days. Is the confusion coming from science? Or is it a calculated spiritual attack on God and His creation? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he continues the conversation on sex & sexuality....

Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important In Marriage?

Jack Hibbs

As the creator of marriage, God has set clear boundaries for sex in the marital relationship. With Christ’s love for the church being the ultimate example for marriage, we can see God’s perfect design in creating a ministry between husband and wife....

Jack Hibbs - Sexuality: A Choice or a God-Given Identity?

Jack Hibbs

Culture claims that sexuality is a choice, but what does the Bible say? What can science tell us on the subject? On this week’s program, Pastor Jack Hibbs discusses the war on biblical sexuality and how to combat temptation to sexual sin....

Jack Hibbs - Sex and Sexuality: Natural and Unnatural Attraction

Jack Hibbs

How does God define “natural” and “unnatural” attraction? Is disagreeing with Him a rejection of His authority and design for life? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he answers these questions and continues the mini-series on sex and sexuality....

Jack Hibbs - Our Sexual Identity: Stop The Confusion Please

Jack Hibbs

While the culture attacks the biblical definition of sexual identity, scripture is being twisted to fit their agenda. Don’t you wish the confusion on so-called science would stop? There is pain in confusion, but freedom is found in obedience to God....

Jack Hibbs - Our God-Given Sexual Identity

Jack Hibbs

Now more than ever before, sexual makeup is a frequent topic of debate. The Bible, however, is very clear on the God-created differences between males and females. Join Pastor Jack Hibbs in examining the role of sex in identity, as revealed in the...

Jack Hibbs - Is Unnatural Sex Ok With God?

Jack Hibbs

Many Christians aren’t willing to draw a clear line on the subject of sexuality for fear of backlash from the world. The Bible, however, is very clear on God’s design. Join Pastor Jack for a discussion on science and God’s definition of sexuality....

Jack Hibbs - What Is Natural Sexuality?

Jack Hibbs

In this segment of the Worldview series, Pastor Jack continues "What is our Sexuality?" by asking the question " What is Natural Sexuality?". It is a volatile subject, but Pastor Jack once again reminds us that the Bible is still...

Andrew Wommack - Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 10

Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack teach on Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 10...

Andrew Wommack - Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 9

Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack teach on Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 9...

Andrew Wommack - Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 8

Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack teach on Biblical Worldview: Sexuality - Episode 8...