Kenneth Copeland - Faith Taps In to God's Heavenly Supply

Kenneth Copeland

Let God’s BLESSING overtake you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland with Andre and Jenny Roebert teach you how faith taps in to God’s heavenly supply. Learn to have God’s vision, and whatever you’re believing for will be available...

#682 - Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Jesus swallows up all the law. He's the fulfillment. He didn't come to destroy the law, but he came to fulfill it, and that's what he did. He's greater. I love one thing that what Bible says. Where sin increase, grace super...

#682 - Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times - Part 3

Joseph Prince

In every revival you must come back to the cross. We preach Jesus Christ crucified, the power of God, and the wisdom of God, amen. Praise the Lord. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, but God made him on the cross to be sin for us...

#682 - Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When you're reading the Bible, you find that something jumps out at you, write it down. Make a note of it, amen. Don't lose the art of writing it down. It's as ancient as the Bible. If God spared not the Son that he loved, how much...

#682 - Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times - Part 1

Joseph Prince

God takes care of the bird. Birds are not as important as human life, and, yet God cares for the birds. How much better are you than the birds? God will care for you. God will watch over you....

#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Don't worry about your life, what you shall eat, what you shall drink, or what you shall wear, for all the Gentiles, the unbelievers seek for these things. Your heavenly Father knows. I love that. "Your heavenly Father knoweth what you...

#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The same Mount Moriah, where Abraham offered his son... didn't offer his son. God stopped him from offering his son, so that God can give up his Son. That's another story, another mystery that I shared before. God was referring to his Son...

#681 - Joseph Prince - Fresh Supply For Today's Needs - Part 1

Joseph Prince

As we see the day approaching Jesus coming back for us, more and more should we gather in the house of the Lord, amen....

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 4

Joseph Prince

The law is rigid, right? You cannot put grace. You cannot mix them both, amen? What man calls balance, Jesus calls mixture. You're either under law, or you are under grace. I pray that you will be under grace, my friend, because the law kills....

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 3

Joseph Prince

We are no more under the curse of the broken law. We are no more under the law. Full stop. Amen. Because Jesus, in order to bring us out of the law, he has to die on the cross. One of the reasons Jesus died on the cross, besides burying our sins, is...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When God gave the law, the Bible says, God says, "I come to you in a thick cloud". There was darkness, a dark cloud, but here you have a bright cloud because it's a time of grace, amen? Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The law...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You are under grace, grace supplies, amen. The law says you shall not, grace says I will. In the new covenant God says, "I'll put my laws, I will be their God. They shall all know me. I will be merciful to the unrighteousness. Their sins I...