David Diga Hernandez - 3 Keys to Overcoming Sin and Temptation

David Diga Hernandez

On this Spirit Church, David Diga Hernandez shares 3 keys to overcoming sin and temptation....

Jack Hibbs - Temptation: Jesus' Strategy For Resisting Temptation

Jack Hibbs

What did Jesus do when the devil bombarded Him with temptation? He quoted Scripture; because the Word of God and its truth is more than enough to overcome the temptations in our lives....

Jack Hibbs - Temptation: The Battle For Your Life

Jack Hibbs

Every day, the Christian wakes up to battle. You must be looking for ways to kill the sin in your life before the sin in your life kills you. Find out why overcoming temptation is a life-or-death decision you must be ready to make....

Kenneth Copeland - What Happened in the Garden?

Kenneth Copeland

What happened in the Garden of Eden? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he uncovers the sinister plan of the enemy and how Adam and Eve responded. Learn the importance of living without fear and how to regain the light that was...

Rick Renner - Resisting the Enemy

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he reads his November Teaching Letter on Resisting the Enemy...

Rick Renner - Resisting a Bad Environment

Rick Renner

What should you do if you find yourself in a bad environment that negatively affects you and your faith? Join Rick Renner today to find out....

Craig Groeschel - 3 Keys to Overcoming Temptation

Craig Groeschel

Have you ever given in to temptation and then regretted it? Most of us have. The Bible says God won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV). In this message, we’ll learn how to overcome temptation before we...

Craig Groeschel - Fighting Temptation

Craig Groeschel

What doors to temptation are you keeping cracked open that you need to slam shut? In Week 2 of A Way Out, Pastor Craig Groeschel helps us resist temptation by breaking the cycle that binds us to it....

Andy Stanley - Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Andy Stanley

Jesus told his followers to pray to avoid temptation. But before we can pray that with a clear conscience, there are some things we need to ask ourselves first....

Billy Graham - The Temptations of Christ

Billy Graham

Jesus couldn't possibly understand—could He? During His time on earth, Jesus Christ was tempted just as we are. Billy Graham explains in this 1988 message from Rochester, New York....