Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself and Be Content: The Tenth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

Today, we have come to the final commandment of THE 10. The command against coveting is given last - not because it is of least importance - because it is foundational to the other nine commandments....

Robert Jeffress - Safeguard The Reputation of Others: The Ninth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

The three previous commandments we have examined all deal with robbing someone of something valuable: their life, their mate, or their possessions. The ninth commandment specifically focuses on stealing a person’s most valuable possession - their...

Robert Jeffress - Respect The Property of Others: The Eighth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

Although most of us have never committed armed robbery, everyone is guilty of taking something that does not belong to them. Today, we are going to discover various ways we violate the eighth commandment which prohibits stealing and discover why...

Robert Jeffress - Keep Marriage Holy: The Seventh Commandment

Robert Jeffress

The seventh commandment is only two words in length, but obeying or disobeying it has endless consequences. Today, we will discover the destructive power of adultery and some practical and biblical ways to avoid it....

Robert Jeffress - Preserve Life: The Sixth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

The command “Thou shall not kill” seems straightforward enough without any additional commentary. However, today we are going to discover multiple applications of this command that are essential for bringing order to a chaotic world....

Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents: The Fifth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

Today, we are going to look at the only one of the ten commandments that has a special promise for those who follow it. The command to “honor your parents” not only applies to children living in the home but to all of us at every stage of life....

Robert Jeffress - Value God's Day: The Fourth Commandment

Robert Jeffress

More space is devoted to the fourth commandment than any other. Yet, many Christians believe that this is the one commandment that has no application for Christians today since we “live under grace, not under the law.” Today, we will discover why...

Robert Jeffress - Revere God's Name: The Third Commandment

Robert Jeffress

The first commandment warns us about false beliefs about God while the second commandment warns us against wrong thoughts about God. The third commandment flows naturally from the first two prohibitions as it reminds us of the severe punishment for...

Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God: The Second Commandment

Robert Jeffress

Some Christian denominations combine the first commandment “You shall have no other gods before Me” with the second commandment as a general prohibition against idolatry. As we will see today, the second commandment is not about whom to worship but...

Robert Jeffress - Esteem God Alone: The First Commandment

Robert Jeffress

While few of us have wooden idols in our home that we bow before, we all have idols in our hearts that take our hearts and minds captive. It is no accident that the first command God gave to Israel 3500 years ago is the most foundational of all: we...

Robert Jeffress - THE 10 Overview: A Study of The 10 Commandments

Robert Jeffress

Someone has said, “If you can’t tell how long a foot is, it may be because you’ve lost your yardstick.” Today, we’re beginning our new series on the 10 Commandments which are God’s yardstick for measuring right and wrong in a world that has lost its...