Perry Stone - Portals Where Angels and Demons Enter

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Portals Where Angels and Demons Enter...

Perry Stone - Can Animals Sense the Spirit World?

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Can Animals Sense the Spirit World?...

Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Satan is the author of confusion and he desires to destroy all believers. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares heartfelt truths from the Word of God to help you fight the devil and win....

Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

Do you believe the devil is real? Many believers do not. Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer candidly discusses the devil and how to win your battles against him once and for all....

Perry Stone - The 7 Prince Spirits Controlling the World

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The 7 Prince Spirits Controlling the World...

Perry Stone - When Spirits Play Power Games

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When Spirits Play Power Games...

Sid Roth - A Shocking God Encounter With a FALCON

Sid Roth

My guest had never moved in the realm of seeing into the invisible world, but when he received a shocking visitation, the invisible realm became visible instantly. Now he can impart this gift to others. Brian Guerin was not expecting to encounter...

Rick Renner - Four Categories of The Demonic Spiritual Realm

Rick Renner

Join Rick as he carefully describes principalities, powers, ruler of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places....

Sid Roth - Manifesting Miracles from the Unseen Realm

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: John Carver sees miracles before they actually take place. Then he just acts them out!...

Sid Roth - Amazing Encounters with Angels and the Invisible World! with Jamie Galloway

Sid Roth

Seer Jamie Galloway says the invisible realm will be busy in the coming days! We need more seers connected to the heart of God. Is that you? Jamie Galloway began seeing into the unseen realm at 7 years old. In Jesus, that same ability is available...

Sid Roth - Breaking Generational Curses in the Invisible World with Lori Strong

Sid Roth

Are generational curses from the invisible world holding you back? Lori Strong shows you how to break these generational curses. Obtain freedom all things holding you back!...

Sid Roth - Open Your Eyes to See Angels and the Invisible World with Gary and Kathi Oates

Sid Roth

Gary and Kathi Oates share on how to open your spiritual senses to the invisible world....