Tim Dilena - Fight Through Battles and Fight After Victories

Tim Dilena

In "Fight Through Battles and Fight After Victories," Pastor Tim Dilena highlights the need to surrender every part of one's heart to God, especially after achieving victories, to avoid succumbing to idolatry and maintain a truly...

Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is Your VICTORY

Kenneth Copeland

You are an overcomer! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains how faith is your VICTORY. Recognize—as a born-again believer—that the power to overcome the world lies right within you!...

Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane

Joel Osteen

Before Jesus went to the cross, before he rose from the dead, he had to go through the Garden of Gethsemane. That's where he was so overwhelmed, and so distressed, knowing what he was about to face, that he sweat great drops of blood. We...

Benny Hinn - Your Victory Begins on The Inside of You

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: Your Victory Begins on The Inside of You...

Benny Hinn - Victory Over Satan

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: Victory Over Satan...

Steven Furtick - Instruments Of Victory

Steven Furtick

You’ve got what it takes to win. In “Instruments Of Victory,” we’re reminded that victory comes when we place our gifts and even our insecurities in God’s hands....

#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Part 4

Joseph Prince

With every attack of the enemy, the devil make it appear stronger, looms larger than it really is. Defeat it. When you walk towards it, you face up to it, right? And you say, "You are dead. You're not real". Amen. Poof, it's...

#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Part 3

Joseph Prince

All our experiences in life, God is teaching us, in and of ourselves, amen, we are awake, and therein lies, the more you acknowledge that, therein lies our strength if we see Christ as our strength. Now, also, on the other hand, you don't just...

#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Faith is not saying, "Oh, the thing is not there, but if you have faith, it will become real. It will be so, it will then exist". No, faith is saying to like the word "imputation", the word "reckon" is the word...

#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You are in the Spirit because God's Spirit dwells in you. So, remember that that is your true identity. But then we are battling with the flesh, and the very fact that you don't like it, you feel ashamed of it, the fact is that you feel...

#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Walk by faith, child of God. Walk by faith. And when you believe this, you believe that God has condemned sin in the flesh, amen. If God condemned sin in the flesh, it cannot condemn you. Your sin in the flesh cannot condemn you because God has...

Benny Hinn - Victorious in Jesus

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: Victorious in Jesus Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: Victorious in Jesus Year: 2023...