TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2

TD Jakes

Second part of the message: Worship in the Wilderness, based on Exodus 14:9–14 (NKJV). Bishop T.D. Jakes, July 16, 2023...

TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1

TD Jakes

After Moses freed them from the Pharaoh's wicked wrath, the Israelites cried out from a place of fear and regret. They questioned if it would have been better to stay enslaved rather than face the uncertainties of the desert! But Moses remained...

Tim Dilena - The Power and Purpose of Worship

Tim Dilena

In "The Power and Purpose of Worship," Pastor Tim Dilena emphasizes that worship and praise serve as powerful weapons to overcome obstacles and difficulties in our lives, resulting in a joy that the world can't give or take away....

Tim Dilena - How Did We Turn Worship Into Singing

Tim Dilena

In "How Did We Turn Worship Into Singing?", Pastor Tim Dilena emphasizes that true worship is not a passive act but a persistent, complete, and sacrificial obedience to God, urging believers to let go of comfort and personal desires in...

Louie Giglio - Worship, It's What You Do

Louie Giglio

Pastor Louie directs listeners to the text of Romans 1 to point to the truth that God is recognizable through creation and people are worshipers by nature. Everyone has breath from God but it is our responsibility as humans to direct that breath...

Louie Giglio - Worship is a Verb

Louie Giglio

Through numerous passages of Scripture, we see that "Worship" is a verb - an action-demanding response to the glory and grace of God. Pastor Louie shows listeners how worship calls us to kneel in submission, fear in reverence, sing with...

Louie Giglio - All Worship Involves Sacrifice

Louie Giglio

Louie Giglio takes this opportunity to remind listeners of the importance of bringing something to God that truly is sacrificial. God wants our worship and, rather than being a people who give Him praise that costs us nothing, let us be a people who...

Jeff Schreve - Attention Worshipers

Jeff Schreve

What does every worshiper need to remember as we come to the house of God to worship? True worshipers who worship in spirit and truth need to be very cognizant of these truths that Solomon gives us in Ecclesiastes 5. Discover these three truths in...

Bill Johnson - Wisdom Worships

Bill Johnson

In this full sermon, Bill Johnson shares from the Christmas story and teaches on the example of true worship that the wise men gave. Did you ever consider that they came to worship a baby? Someone, who at that point, could not give them anything in...

Benny Hinn - Worship Our Highest Destiny

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: Worship Our Highest Destiny...

Benny Hinn - The Results of True Worship

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: The Results of True Worship...

Benny Hinn - How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: How to Worship God in Spirit and Truth...