Wilt thou be made whole? Jesus wants you to overcome every hurdle to achieve wholeness. You were never meant to get comfortable on the porch of temporary recovery; jump the hurdle of the haven. You were never meant to be paralyzed by another person; jump the hurdle of blame. You were never meant to drown in self-doubt; jump the hurdle of faulty belief systems. Hurdles only hurt when you run into them. Are you jumping high enough to be healed? Wholeness is all in the bounce. Stop making your bed in the house of grace — leap off that porch and land into purpose!
Steven Furtick - Jump To A New Conclusion
25-01-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Part 2
11-07-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Highlights
11-07-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Part 3
11-07-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#336 - Joseph Prince - Restored To Wholeness By Grace - Part 1
11-07-2022, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#505 - Joseph Prince - The Healing Power Of A Joyful Heart - Part 3
27-12-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
Perry Stone - From Fractured to Wholeness
26-01-2025, 03:00, Perry Stone
Kenneth Copeland - Eating To Live In Divine Health And Wholeness
4-01-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
Benny Hinn - Keys to Wholeness in Body and Mind
18-11-2021, 23:30, Benny Hinn
TD Jakes - And Ye Shall Have It
20-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You
3-06-2024, 02:40, Joel Osteen
TD Jakes - The Theology of Quietness
21-02-2025, 06:00, TD Jakes
Joel Osteen - Trouble Is Temporary
2-02-2021, 05:54, Joel Osteen
TD Jakes - Which One
10-11-2021, 15:00, TD Jakes
#462 - Joseph Prince - Say Yes To All His Promises - Part 5
14-11-2022, 23:30, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - Backfire
24-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
#623 - Joseph Prince - Learn How To Receive Visions - Highlights
24-04-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
Andy Stanley - What Jesus Meant by Good News
8-12-2020, 23:00, Andy Stanley
Touré Roberts - Purpose Over Everything
17-03-2025, 19:00, Touré Roberts
Sid Roth - How to Get Healed Supernaturally with Dr. Sandra Kennedy
4-12-2021, 05:00, Sid Roth
Creflo Dollar - Where Does Brokenness Come From - Part 2