I want you to make that decision against those thoughts and against those feelings, and that declaration is: «But I’ve got seed.» Just say that—"But I’ve got seed.» I’ve got seed; I’ve got seed; I’ve got seed; I’ve got seed. Do me a favor and just say a little bit, «I’ve got seed.» You know, one of the things that I’m learning as I continue to live and to walk with God is how much God has made available to His children, yet oftentimes many of us don’t get a chance to take advantage of what God created: the heavens and the earth. He created all these things—man and everything—in six days, and on the seventh day, He rested. It literally says, «And He rested from all His work that He had done.» He was able to rest because He had set in motion a system that would guarantee that everything man would need to live life to the full and to have life more abundantly had been set in place. That’s why He was able to rest. There is no indication in the Scripture or otherwise that God went back to work. He creates in six days, sets everything up, and then He sits down and says, «Boom! Let everything unfold that is going to unfold because I’ve already done it.» To a certain degree, it’s not that God performs new miracles; rather, what happens is we come into alignment with the space, the time, the faith, and the timing of the miracle that He has predetermined is going to take place and transpire. Therefore, it’s not necessarily that God did it for us; He did it when He set everything else in motion. Hence, it’s our job to come into alignment not with what God is going to do, but actually with what God has already done. I wish I could articulate that better; in other words, what if He has already done it and I’m just waiting on the timing and my own alignment to experience what He already accomplished? A perfect example is found in what it says about Jesus: «Jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.» Huh? What? Jesus, the lamb slain? I thought the lamb was slain 2,000 years ago! Well, yes, that was the manifestation of it, but it had been set in motion even before there was a need for our redemption. Are you following me? That’s why it says, even in Jeremiah 1, «Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.» What? Before you got here, I already knew you; I already ordained you. All these things have happened in the realm of God. In the realm of time is where those things play out. So, what I’m getting at is that when God created everything, He set some things in motion. He established divine principles and divine realities, and these all will work for us if we understand them. If we don’t understand them, we can miss out. He says in His word that «My people perish for a lack of knowledge.» Not a lack of my resources or what I have set in motion already—He doesn’t say that. He says, «My people perish because they lack knowledge; they don’t know what I did, they don’t know what they have, and they don’t know how certain things work.» What I want to discuss today, in particular, is what God was talking about when He dealt with Noah. He mentioned that while the earth remains, there is a system, a divine ecosystem that He has set up in the earth called seedtime and harvest. Another way to put it is sowing and reaping. Sowing and reaping is not some abstract side concept but a fundamental reality and divine principle that His sons and daughters must understand. It’s a divine ecosystem that God established in the earth, and as long as the earth remains, this system of seedtime and harvest, of sowing and reaping, will be the reality for human beings. Sowing and reaping ultimately says that if I invest wisely—if I invest the right things in the right environment—I will receive good things back, only multiplied. If you’re taking notes, write this down: God’s provision for your future is in the seed you possess today. I’ll say it again: God’s provision for your future is in the seed you possess today. Do me a favor, turn to your neighbor and say, «You’ve got seed.» This is important because sometimes, if we’re honest—if you’re like me—sometimes you are wondering how God’s going to do it. Have you ever had a promise and nothing at the same time? Can I talk to some real people? Have you ever had a promise but nothing in your hand, just a promise in your heart? Have you been there? I’ll be honest with you—I’ve had moments in my life where God caused me to believe that certain things would be my reality. Every once in a while, on the way to hopefully getting there, I would look at what I have in my hand and say, «God, how in the world are you going to create what you promised from my nothing?» Anybody else been there before? One day, relatively recently, I had a moment like that, and I asked God that question: «God, how are…»
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