Amir Tsarfati - Stand Like David

The Church today is facing a lack of the Holy Spirit, which is causing apathy and indifference to issues in the world. David, a young boy his brothers ridiculed, showed courage when no of Saul's brave soldiers were willing to fight Goliath. People of the world are afraid of evil, but instead of fighting it, they accuse and are against the people of God.
Amir Tsarfati - Listen to the Holy Spirit
Amir Tsarfati - Listen to the Holy Spirit
10-04-2024, 16:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Evil, The Absence of God
Amir Tsarfati - Evil, The Absence of God
12-06-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Rise of the One World Religion
Amir Tsarfati - The Rise of the One World Religion
10-08-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Dead See
Amir Tsarfati - The Dead See
31-07-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - When You Walk in the Ways of God
Amir Tsarfati - When You Walk in the Ways of God
2-03-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Has God Cast Away His People?
Amir Tsarfati - Has God Cast Away His People?
3-06-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - When the Pulpits Are Silent
Amir Tsarfati - When the Pulpits Are Silent
5-09-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - A Big Issue in Teaching We See Today
Amir Tsarfati - A Big Issue in Teaching We See Today
5-03-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - It's About a Relationship
Amir Tsarfati - It's About a Relationship
9-10-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - The Mystery of Lawlessness
Amir Tsarfati - The Mystery of Lawlessness
4-04-2023, 00:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - Is the Church to Bring the Kingdom of God to This World?
Amir Tsarfati - Is the Church to Bring the Kingdom of God to This World?
23-12-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati - When Jesus Returns with His Saints
Amir Tsarfati - When Jesus Returns with His Saints
8-01-2023, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati