Listen as Dr. Stanley examines the story of the Red Sea parting and its meaning for us today. The same God who led His people out of slavery and into a new country will also deliver us from difficulty—and show His glory in the process.
Many of us are familiar with one of the most interesting and amazing events in the Old Testament, but we may not understand how it applies to us.
After all, how could an event that happened thousands of years ago be relevant in the 21st century? It’s because nothing in the Bible is unnecessary or unimportant. Although civilizations and cultures frequently change, the principles found in Scripture remain constant because our God never changes. He has given us this book to teach us who He is and how He operates so we can apply His Word to our lives.
Charles Stanley - A God-Centered Message
15-10-2020, 00:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - When We Don't Understand Why
3-09-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Power of Godly Meditation
12-07-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Lessons Learned In The Garden Of Eden
7-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Process
12-09-2023, 04:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - How to Listen to the Word of God
7-03-2025, 06:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Hearing God's Voice
20-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Our Savior, Who Is Christ the Lord
3-05-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Our Burning Bushes
4-06-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Suicide: The Impact on Believers
3-06-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - God Has a Plan for You
4-09-2022, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Conquering Faith
7-03-2025, 00:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - How to Be Sure of God's Will
25-03-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Why Our Needs Remain Unmet
10-06-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - More Than A Book
21-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Walking In The Favor Of God - Part 3
23-08-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Christmas, The Wisdom of God
25-12-2022, 11:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Requirements of Faith
2-04-2024, 03:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Truth About the Trinity
8-03-2025, 06:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Our Constant Companion
27-04-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - The Requirements of a Godly Influence
28-09-2022, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley - Touching The Hearts Of The Next Generation
6-08-2021, 14:00, Charles Stanley
Jack Hibbs - The 21st Century Christian - Part 1
19-08-2022, 08:00, Jack Hibbs
Charles Stanley - Walking In The Favor Of God - Part 2