Charles Stanley - The Great Deception

You will surely not die (Gen. 3:4).

Satan’s words to Eve about eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil directly contradicted what God had told her. Yet he convinced her there would be no repercussions to her disobedience. Satan still uses the same lie to deceive us today—that God’s Word can’t be trusted and that sin has no consequences. Learn to resist his deception and obey God.

One of the most important lessons God has for us is found in the first book of the Bible. After the account of God’s creation in Genesis, we then get a description of the great deception that has affected every human being from that time forward. When Satan deceived Eve, and both she and Adam disobeyed God, sin entered the world, and we’ve been dealing with the consequences ever since.

To deceive means to lie, mislead, misinform, and lead astray. This is the method Satan used to drag the entire human race into sin, and he continues to use this tactic by convincing us of one basic idea.

The Great Deception: We can sin without consequences. God had given Adam and Eve a clear command, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die” (Gen. 2:16-17). The account in Genesis 3:1-6 bears witness to the fact that no matter what anyone else says, no one can sin without suffering the consequences.
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