David Jeremiah - In a World of Deception, BE HONEST
Truth matters today more than ever, so why is it that we feel we can't trust anyone anymore? Because our culture has decided that truth doesn't matter; that it is subjective, even arbitrary; that as long as you're not hurting anyone it's okay to tell a white lie here, stretch the truth there, and outright deceive others when deemed necessary.
Hello, I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". In today's world we see the concept of absolute objective truth eroding away. So how can we separate the truth from the lies and the godly influences in our lives from the ungodly?
In today's message entitled "In a World of Deception, Be Honest," we look to Jesus's teaching to encourage and equip us to rightly discern God's truth and to have the boldness to both proclaim it and live it. That's coming up on today's edition of "Turning Point".
The genuine love for the truth is built into saving faith. It is therefore one of the distinguishing qualities of every true believer. In Jesus's words, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".
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Jack Hibbs - Global Deception
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David Jeremiah - In a World of Bad News, BE THE GOOD NEWS
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David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
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David Jeremiah - God is With Us
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David Jeremiah - Groaning and Glory
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David Jeremiah - More Than Conquerors
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Jeff Schreve - To Tell the Truth
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