I'm David Jeremiah and welcome to "Turning Point". We are currently studying the life of the prophet Elijah in a series called, "Someone Like You". We're learning that God is looking for ordinary people who will trust him to do extraordinary things. Elijah was such a person. But Elijah discovered something we also must learn. Faith can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
Scripture tells us that faith is being certain of something we cannot see. To the world, faith seems entirely illogical; but to the child of God, it's the key compound of the spiritual life. Elijah discovered that faith requires obedience. And when Elijah obeyed God, he experienced the power of God in miraculous ways.
Join me for today's message, entitled, "The Furnace of Faith," as we discover how Elijah walked by faith instead of by sight, and how you and I can as well, on today's edition of "Turning Point".
David Jeremiah - One Man Against the World
16-05-2022, 04:11, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Aftermath
16-05-2022, 04:12, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The First Resurrection in the Bible
28-04-2022, 03:05, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The Life of Elijah
26-04-2022, 09:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - The School of Faith
26-04-2022, 10:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Vengeance
27-05-2022, 17:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
25-05-2022, 00:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - What Ever Happened to God?
27-05-2022, 17:30, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch
9-06-2022, 09:00, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - What Is Faith?
29-03-2021, 17:10, David Jeremiah
David Jeremiah - Moses: The Persuasion of Faith
14-03-2021, 17:00, David Jeremiah
Robert Jeffress - Convictions That Will Change Your World
8-09-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Amir Tsarfati - The Timeless Days of Elijah
20-06-2022, 02:00, Amir Tsarfati
David Jeremiah - In a World of Deception, BE HONEST
26-09-2022, 15:00, David Jeremiah
Perry Stone - Elijah and The Rebuilding of The 3rd Temple