Joseph Prince - Nothing But The Blood of Jesus - Good Friday Special
The cross is an established fact in divine history, amen. As far as God is concerned, because of the cross, you'll be blessed. "But I'm not perfect". You'll be blessed because of the cross. "Pastor, I'm still not there altogether". You'll be freed. You'll see the goodness of God in the land of the living because of the cross. God cut a covenant with another man, the perfect man, the Son of Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, his Son. Although divine, he lived as a man, anointed by the Holy Spirit. And he cut a covenant with this man, and you and I are the beneficiaries. So the covenant today, the new covenant, is cut between two immutable force, unchangeable: God and Jesus. God, as divine; Jesus, as man. And we are all beneficiaries of what Jesus did in cutting the covenant. That's why Jesus had to die on the cross, because for all our sins, he became liable.
But I want you to know, Christ redeemed you from those thoughts. There are individual thorns, represent individual thoughts, cursed thoughts, dark thoughts, negative thoughts, sinful thoughts. He redeem us from it when he sweat blood. Can I have a good "Amen"? That's your inheritance.
So, Jesus, in order for him to express God's heart, he had to fully meet God's righteousness, and he came as us. He was born like us. He came as a man, and his whole purpose to die on the cross is so that his death fully met all the claims of divine holiness and righteousness on your life and my life. He fully met it all. All the claims of righteousness are fully met in the cross of Jesus Christ. Oh, in the cross, Jesus Christ has fully established the righteousness of God. He fully met all the claims of righteousness and holiness of a thrice-holy God upon our lives. He met it all. He paid all.
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Kenneth Copeland - Fear Cannot Cross the Covenant
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#636 - Joseph Prince - Come To The Feast Of Healing - Part 4
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#652 - Joseph Prince - Release His Glory In Your Life - Part 1
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#660 - Joseph Prince - God's Way Of Acceleration - Part 1
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#666 - Joseph Prince - Benefits of Praying In Tongues - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - What Changed Before And After The Cross
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#640 - Joseph Prince - Your Failure Isn't Final - Highlights
11-05-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
Kenneth Copeland - The Everlasting Covenant
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Robert Morris - The Beginning of Covenant
19-11-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Kenneth Copeland - The Significance of a Blood Covenant
27-09-2021, 02:00, Kenneth Copeland
#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 3
14-05-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#437 - Joseph Prince - Set Apart To Be Kings And Priests - Highlights
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#307 - Joseph Prince - None Of Us, All Of Christ! - Part 4
12-06-2022, 23:00, Joseph Prince
#655 - Joseph Prince - Secrets Of The Peace Offering - Part 1
26-05-2023, 20:00, Joseph Prince
#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 3
14-04-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#470 - Joseph Prince - The God Who Goes Before You - Part 2
22-11-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#606 - Joseph Prince - Release The Power Of The Spirit With This Truth - Part 3
7-04-2023, 22:00, Joseph Prince
#091 Joseph Prince - Blessed Through Your Perfect High Priest
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Bill Johnson - Divine Health Is Your Inheritance
19-04-2024, 16:00, Bill Johnson
#313 - Joseph Prince - Activate The Grace Covenant Through Tongues - Part 2
18-06-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
Jack Hibbs - The Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross
14-01-2025, 23:30, Jack Hibbs
#544 - Joseph Prince - Live Long Live Strong - Highlights
4-02-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#610 - Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Times Are Bad - Part 3