Steven Furtick - Detoxing Your Mind (An Interview With Dr. Caroline Leaf)

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a world-renowned cognitive neuroscientist, author, and speaker. In this interview, she reveals how to practically stop toxic thoughts and rewrite the way we think. We have so much more control over our brains than we’re told. We often say Christian “stock phrases” without realizing that they could be negatively affecting us. What does “take every thought captive” really mean in relation to our brains? Once you’ve spoken about an issue, it starts losing its power. Technology has deeply affected our minds, but there are practical ways to change the way we think.
Steven Furtick - The Dangers of Toxic Thought (A Conversation with Caroline Leaf)
Steven Furtick - The Dangers of Toxic Thought (A Conversation with Caroline Leaf)
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