Touré Roberts - New Life Night (Baptism Service)

Touré Roberts

Message: New Life Night (Baptism Service) Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Okay, Matthew, chapter three. This is not an unfamiliar passage of Scripture; it deals with a man named—oh, I’m sorry, I want to go to John three. I’ll come back to...

Benny Hinn - The Importance of Baptism

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: The Importance of Baptism Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: The Importance of Baptism Year: 2023...

Jack Hibbs - The Baptism vs The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

Jack Hibbs

The Holy Spirit has a powerful influence in the lives of believers and non-believers alike. Do you desire to understand His impact in your life? You won’t want to miss this clear and concise teaching by Pastor Jack Hibbs, on the work of the Holy...

Rick Renner - Three Types of Baptisms in the New Testament

Rick Renner

There are three different kinds of baptism in the New Testament. The first baptism is performed by the Holy Spirit, the second is performed by Jesus, and the third is performed by believers. The book of Acts is not just a history book, but a pattern...

Rick Renner - The Doctrine of Baptisms

Rick Renner

There are three different kinds of baptism in the New Testament. The first baptism is performed by the Holy Spirit, the second is performed by Jesus, and the third is performed by believers. The book of Acts is not just a history book, but a pattern...

Rick Renner - Is There More Than One Baptism?

Rick Renner

Water baptism is a symbol but really, much more happens in baptismal waters than just a symbol. Something is really buried when you go under that water. You receive what you believe. We should release our faith when we’re water baptised. When you go...

Jeff Schreve - The Christian Two-Step

Jeff Schreve

What comes after salvation? In this informative message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the true meaning of baptism, and the importance of joining a church where there is solid biblical teaching and a strong community of fellow believers. Have you taken...

Kenneth Copeland - What Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Kenneth Copeland

What is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is for every believer. Don’t miss out on this supernatural way to interact with God and minister to other...

Sid Roth - This Is the Exact Spot Where Jesus Was Baptized

Sid Roth

In a vision Pastor Todd Smith saw his baptism pool and a strip of fire on the water. Over 4,000 baptisms and a trip to the Jordan River later, Pastor Todd asks, “Who’s next?” He Sat Down is Pastor Todd Smith’s life-giving call for the body of...

Robert Morris - Receiving the Holy Spirit

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert continues the Words: Life or Death series with a message on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There are three baptisms every disciple of Christ needs to experience: 1. The Holy Spirit baptizes us in Jesus. This takes place when we...

Max Lucado - What Hinders You?

Max Lucado

Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch. Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” (Acts 8:36). 1. Which is more appropriate, to baptize babies or to baptize...

Charles Stanley - Baptism: The Clear Teaching of Scripture

Charles Stanley

Now, how important is baptism to you? You may have trusted Jesus as your Savior some time ago. And someone talked to you about being baptized and you said, "Well, later, I've got to think about it". And maybe you've never been...