Every blessing we have comes from God. But we’re not meant to keep those blessings to ourselves. How do we take responsibility and share our blessings with others? Let’s find out....
Join us as Bill Johnson delves into Genesis 39, exploring the incredible journey of Joseph. Discover how God's favor on Joseph brought blessings to those around him, even in the midst of adversity. Through Joseph's story, learn the...
Psalms 37:19, "Even in famine, the righteous will have more than enough". It doesn't say that God will get you out of the famine so you can have more than enough, he'll stop the people at work from doing you wrong, stop the...
Live by faith! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland with Andre and Jenny Roebert reveal how faith connects you to God’s reservoir of BLESSING. Discover how to connect to and remain in God’s pipeline of supernatural provision!...
Choose life, choose THE BLESSING! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens help you realize that there is life in THE BLESSING. Find out how to push away unbelief and stand fast in the liberty you have in...
When God gives you prosperity... God used the word "good success" to Joshua: "You shall have good success". That means you have time for your family, you have time to bring your wife out, to romance her again, amen. You have time...
Proverbs 22: "By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor, and life". Every young person, I assume, when they start out in life, they want riches, honor, esteem from their colleagues, from their family members, from their...
Jesus says, "I have come. I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly," amen? And then, "He has anointed me to heal the broken heart," beautiful, "to set the captives free. The opening of prison doors to...
The Bible says: "When the Lord is your shepherd you will not lack". You will not lack in any area of your life, amen? The Bible says: "There is no want to them that fear him". All these truths are coming back to us in full force...
Healing is God’s signature! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer's Voice of Victory as he teaches you how healing is in THE BLESSING. See how you’ve been redeemed from all sickness and disease!...