Touré Roberts - The Burden In a Blessing

Touré Roberts

Message : The Burden In a Blessing Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

Touré Roberts - The Blessing of Balance

Touré Roberts

Message : The Blessing of Balance Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Today, I want to talk about the blessing of balance. We’re going to discuss balance, which has a divine rhythm to life that we are wise to understand and master. It’s...

Touré Roberts - The Blessed Life

Touré Roberts

Message : The Blessed Life Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church All right, let’s get into this—the blessed life. The blessed life is the most amazing, fulfilling, and refreshing way to live. It is to live as one who has the sense of identity...

#705 - Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings - Part 3

Joseph Prince

All our blessings is wrapped up in Abraham, and we identify ourself, we who are in Christ, we identify ourselves with Abraham, we receive Abraham's blessings. The final words of the Bible, "He who testifies to these things, say,...

#705 - Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings - Part 2

Joseph Prince

God's mercy on our life is what caused Jesus to come into the world, amen. God reached in mercy, that's what he did when we were dead in our sins. Yes, that's involved, but now we are made righteous according to his righteousness. God...

#705 - Joseph Prince - Blessed With Father Abraham's Blessings - Part 1

Joseph Prince

The Bible says if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. So, the whole idea is that why does God want you to become a seed of Abraham? So that you are an heir. Justification by faith. Becoming...

Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus

Joseph Prince

You know how the Gospel of John ends? All the four gospels, because Jesus is the King of the Jews, he ends off by giving them, "Go into all the world and observe all my commandments". Those are commandments of the New Covenant, loving one...

David Jeremiah - Eight Spirtual Blessings

David Jeremiah

So when you're having that moment of concern and maybe sometimes it's a little bit of self-pity too, and you wonder, "Does anybody accept me? Do I belong to anybody? Does anybody care"? Let me ask you to go back and read this...

Kenneth Copeland - Command BLESSING Creates Your Destiny

Kenneth Copeland

Are you ready for a release? Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share that command BLESSING creates your destiny. Find out how to release God’s prosperity over your life and develop a prosperous...

Kenneth Copeland - Wear THE BLESSING Daily

Kenneth Copeland

Are you BLESSING-minded? Join Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they show you how to wear THE BLESSING daily. Get equipped to live a life permanently out from under the curse, and begin reaping the many benefits...

Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING

Kenneth Copeland

There’s only one Source, and His Name is Jesus! Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, as they share how the God kind of love brings THE BLESSING. Become fully dependent on God, and recognize that love never strips you—it...

Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING from God Is Forever

Kenneth Copeland

Every day is your BLESSING day! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle explain how THE BLESSING from God is forever. Recognize that you are supposed to live a privileged life daily—a life filled with special...