Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

Is there a prayer you used to pray that you've given up on? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer joins Ginger and Erin for a discussion on faith and praying big prayers!...

Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

When was the last time you prayed a really big prayer? If it's been awhile, Joyce Meyer, Ginger, and Erin have the answer to help you pray bigger, bolder, and more confident prayers than ever, today on Enjoying Everyday Life....

#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Jesus, amen, we need to preach Jesus, people, amen, the glories of his person, amen, the excellencies, his excellencies, his beauties, amen, his perfection, and his complete work at the cross, amen. Nothing added. Amen, it's complete,...

#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Old Covenant, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart. In the New Covenant, it's realizing his love for us that makes us love him. Hallelujah, amen? Before I preach on this, it was my meditation that as Jesus is, so am I in this...

#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When you condemn yourself, do you know that you're not looking to the Lord because you look to the Lord, you will see that he is your righteousness. Start hearing messages of grace, hallelujah. Start seeing what Christ has done, amen. Oil is a...

#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You have the spirit of sonship, amen. You honor God when you ask big. Don't ask small. When you ask small, you don't honor God. Faith pleases God, and God is pleased with faith. God has ordained that in every difficult place in your life,...

#643 - Joseph Prince - Ask Big, Ask Bold - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Child of God, come boldly to your heavenly Father and ask Him for big things! In this revelation-packed message by Joseph Prince, learn powerful truths from the story of Caleb and his daughter Achsah that will inspire you to start possessing all the...

#556 - Joseph Prince - Dare To Pray Bold Prayers - Highlights

Joseph Prince

Priest is representing the people like this, the people are behind me, to God. Amen? And God is not looking at the people. God is looking at how good the High Priest is. Once you know the truth, that God is not looking at the imperfection of your...

#552 - Joseph Prince - Boldness To Inherit Every Blessing - Part 3

Joseph Prince

When you have a bold and simple faith and you ask God, "God, I know I have a choice to make, but I'm gonna trust you for this, Lord, I'm gonna trust you for that". God loves it, and God loves it when you go to him and again and...

#552 - Joseph Prince - Boldness To Inherit Every Blessing - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Faith transcends the law and reaches to the heart of God. Time and time again, from the sacred book, you know, this holy volume, you know, page after page of the Abrahams, of the Sarahs, of the Deborahs, of the Rahabs, of the Marys, of the...

#552 - Joseph Prince - Boldness To Inherit Every Blessing - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Never forget to thank the Lord for all that he's done at the cross, all right, and in his Resurrection. But also thank the Lord for the day-to-day things. Learn to say, "Thank you, Lord," amen? It's not that you are...

#528 - Joseph Prince - Live Bold Without Guilt And Fear - Part 4

Joseph Prince

The Bible says those who love to meditate on God's Word, their leaf will not wither. You'll be ever green. Even when you are 40, you will look like 30, because your leaf will not wither. Read it in Psalms 1. And whatever you do prospers....