Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul

Sid Roth

Join Dr. Mina and Yvon Attia on a divine journey through Yeshua’s teachings. Discover Jesus’ profound love, healing, and transformative power. Embrace fresh perspectives, prophetic impartation, and cultural insights into His life and ministry. This...

Jack Hibbs - Demon Activity On the Rise?

Jack Hibbs

Is demonic activity increasing in our world? Did the Bible say this would happen and what are we, as Christians, to do about it? What about "deliverance" ministries? And can Christians be demon-possessed? Pastor Jack answers all these...

Perry Stone - The Prophetic Cosmic War of Demons and Angels

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Prophetic Cosmic War of Demons and Angels...

Perry Stone - Unleashing Ancient Demons

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Unleashing Ancient Demons...

Perry Stone - When Demons Get Comfortable

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When Demons Get Comfortable...

Sid Roth - Signs You Opened a Demonic Portal (And How to Close It)

Sid Roth

Do you have anxiety, fear, depression, nightmares or other types of attacks? You may have unknowingly opened a demonic door. My guest will show you how to close this demonic portal and open a Heavenly door like the atmosphere that was in the Garden...

Sid Roth - I Invited a Demon in My House. What Happened Shocked Me

Sid Roth

Jennifer Guetta didn't believe demons existed, that is until she let one into her house. My guest, a Jewish archaeologist working in Israel, got over her head in demonic Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, and no rabbi, no psychiatrist or counselor...

Rick Renner - Doctrines of Demons

Rick Renner

The Holy Spirit prophesied through Paul that seducing spirits and doctrines of demons would abound in the last days to the point of even infiltrating the church. To ensure that we are not led off track in this departure from the sound doctrine of...

Rick Renner - What The New Testament Tells Us About Demons

Rick Renner

The Bible says demons are real, but how do they behave? How can you recognize demonic activity? Should you fear demons? What should you do if you sense demonic activity in someone you know or love? Join us on Home Group as we discuss these and other...

Rick Renner - Jesus Casts an Unclean Spirit Out of a Notable Man

Rick Renner

Jesus has authority over demon spirits, but do you know what the Bible actually teaches about His authority over demons? Join Rick Renner for today’s program and find out!...