Touré Roberts - You Have an Advocate

Touré Roberts

Message : You Have an Advocate Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I believe that one of the sure signs that you have the Holy Spirit is the peace that the Holy Spirit brings to you. Jesus says, right there in that passage—and I think it’s...

Jeff Schreve - The Gap in the Wall

Jeff Schreve

In the Old Testament, every city had a wall to keep the enemy out. You're in big trouble if there is a gap in the wall. What causes the breach in the wall that brings divine judgment? Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares the actions of the...

Bill Johnson - How to Pray in a Way That Stands in the Gap

Bill Johnson

How can you pray in a way that stands in the gap? Token prayers get token answers. In this sermon clip, Bill Johnson teaches on the importance of intercessory prayer and how to truly pray in a way that stands in the gap and brings transformation and...

Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day

Kenneth Copeland

You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reminds you that the Holy Spirit prays and intercedes for you every day. Discover how to move over into the supernatural when you pray!...

Kenneth Copeland - How To Pray a Prayer of Intercession

Kenneth Copeland

Stand in the gap! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he discusses how to pray a prayer of intercession. Discover the importance of praying in the spirit, so you can intercede for your family, church, city, country and more!...

Benny Hinn - Intercession, The Door To Deliverance

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he teach on: Intercession, The Door To Deliverance...

Rick Renner - Interceding for Those in Trouble

Rick Renner

How did Lot end up in Sodom? If you know a person who has strayed from the Lord, Rick Renner shows you how you can help get him or her back on track....

Rick Renner - Abraham's Intercession for Lot

Rick Renner

What can you do to help deliver a believer who has veered off track? Rick Renner will answer that question in today’s program....

Rick Renner - Prayer of Supplication and Intercession

Rick Renner

Today Rick Renner covers in-depth the prayers of supplication and intercession, two forms of supernatural prayer. Don’t miss this insightful program!...

Charles Stanley - Our Great High Priest

Charles Stanley

Why is it that some people perceive the Christian life as an exciting journey and others see it as a burdensome, unfulfilling existence? Although there are many factors that contribute to how a person experiences their relationship with God, many...

Bill Johnson - Position Of Intercession

Bill Johnson

In this insightful, heart-provoking message, Pastor Bill addresses the recent turmoil in the U.S. with Biblical truth from 2 Chronicles 7:14. As Gods sons and daughters, we've been invited to contend for the well-being of our nation through...

Kenneth Copeland - You Can Find the Anointing in Prayer

Kenneth Copeland

Intercessors saw Jesus before He came to the earth! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland share the importance of commitment to prayer and intercession, and how those who take time to pray will have special access to...