Jack Hibbs - The War Against Marriage

Jack Hibbs

There is a war being waged in our world against the God-designed institution of marriage. Christian husbands and wives need to stand strong in the battle and realize that the real enemy is Satan, not each other. Learn how to fight the war against...

Jeff Schreve - The Truth About Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

Jeff Schreve

What is God's word on marriage, divorce, and remarriage? What is His heart on the matter? Be encouraged and challenged with this message from Pastor Jeff Schreve as he shares three insights concerning the issue of marriage and divorce....

Jeff Schreve - How to Find a Good Thing

Jeff Schreve

Proverbs 18:22 says, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD." Marriage is designed by God to be a good thing, but the sad reality is there are a lot of people in the church and outside of the church who...

Jeff Schreve - Family Problems and the Grace of God

Jeff Schreve

Everyone faces problems in marriage and family. It is a difficult assignment to have a good and godly marriage and family, but that's what God wants for us if we'll do life, marriage, and family His way. Join Pastor Jeff Schreve as he...

Billy Graham - How To Save Your Marriage

Billy Graham

“The home is the very foundation of our society.” Hear Billy Graham explain the importance of building a marriage on the truth of God’s Word in this 1968 message from San Antonio, Texas....

Perry Stone - The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Bible on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage...

Perry Stone - When Your Honey Starts Acting Funny

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When Your Honey Starts Acting Funny...

Jack Hibbs - Why Is Sex and Sexuality So Important In Marriage?

Jack Hibbs

As the creator of marriage, God has set clear boundaries for sex in the marital relationship. With Christ’s love for the church being the ultimate example for marriage, we can see God’s perfect design in creating a ministry between husband and wife....

Jack Hibbs - The Marriage of a Husband and a Wife - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Marriage is a ministry between a husband and a wife. While there is no more intimate human experience, it is also the most challenging. Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he discusses marriage and answers your questions on commitment, abuse, betrayal and...

Jack Hibbs - The Marriage of a Husband and a Wife - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

The world has worked to rob the Christian marriage of the depth it ought to experience in Christ. As the engineer of sex & sexuality, God has created clear boundaries & essential elements that bond a marriage. Does your marriage reflect...