Creflo Dollar - How To Grow In Grace

Creflo Dollar

Believe Jesus and you will be saved and if your house believes Jesus, they'll be saved. Believe Jesus, that's it. Believe Jesus, that's it. You don't have to get cleaned up, you don't have to get none of that, he'll do...

Creflo Dollar - How To Learn and Grow From Every Opportunity

Creflo Dollar

People share their history with you because they don't want to see you, you know, repeat the same thing they know about. They have seen the movie that you're trying to finish, and they know exactly how it ends....

Charles Stanley - Stages of Our Christian Life

Charles Stanley

You can't grab a yardstick to see how much you've grown in the Lord, but there are spiritual markers that help you see where you've been and where God is taking you. Discover how the Christian life is a process, not an event. You...

Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith

Joel Osteen

I want to talk to you today аbout: Feed Your Faith. You get to choose what grows in your life. What you're feeding is getting stronger. If you're feeding doubt, thinking about what you can't do, and how the obstacles are too big, and...

Joyce Meyer - Stopped Up Wells

Joyce Meyer

Have you been feeling spiritually dry lately? Learn how you can bring the flow of God's peace and power back into your life today! Watch this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer....

Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service

Charles Stanley

One of the greatest tragedies is for a person to live his whole life with no purpose, sense of direction, or goals. Do you know what you are living for? Dr. Stanley reminds us that God has a plan for each of our lives. That’s why He has given us...

Charles Stanley - Moving Toward Maturity

Charles Stanley

In this message, Dr. Stanley tells us that it was predetermined that we would be saved to grow and conform to the likeness of Jesus Christ. As believers, if we don’t grow, there’s something wrong with us. Dr. Stanley teaches us how to judge, test,...

Creflo Dollar - How To Mature Through Pressure

Creflo Dollar

This stuff right now that you're facing, God's already working out a magnificent plan for you to have full of... you gonna be full of praise, and glory, and honor, praise God, because you refuse to let pressure dictate your next move....

Creflo Dollar - How To Develop In Spiritual Maturity

Creflo Dollar

As a leader as I am supposed to be teaching and growing you up in the love of Jesus Christ, if I teach anything else to you and fail to teach that characteristic, the love of God, I have failed. We're called to love and we're called to...

Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

Many people claim to be Christians, but there's a difference between being a fan of Jesus and a follower of Jesus. So maybe in reality you're just a fan. I don't want to be a fan of Jesus....