TD Jakes - You're The Man

See, the whole sermon, you thought I was talkin' about Jesus. Then you thought I was talkin' about Joseph. But the truth of the matter is, I'm trying to talk about you. "For, beloved, now are ye the sons of God. It does not yet appear what you shall be". I don't care what you're goin' through right now, "It does not yet appear what you shall be". Touch ten people and say, "You're the man". You're the man. You're the one. You're the one. You're the man. You're the man. In that office, you're the man. In that courtroom, you're the man. On that board, you're the man. In your house, you're the man. You've been waitin' on somebody to fix your problem. Fixing yourself.
TD Jakes - Ye Know not What Ye Ask
TD Jakes - Ye Know not What Ye Ask
20-06-2021, 20:00, TD Jakes
#322 - Joseph Prince - Impact The World With The Father's Lavish Love - Part 3
#322 - Joseph Prince - Impact The World With The Father's Lavish Love - Part 3
27-06-2022, 22:00, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - 'C' Your Way Clear
TD Jakes - 'C' Your Way Clear
4-11-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
#598 - Joseph Prince - Rise Up And Reign Over Your Enemies - Highlights
#598 - Joseph Prince - Rise Up And Reign Over Your Enemies - Highlights
30-03-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
Touré Roberts - Giants and Promises
Touré Roberts - Giants and Promises
14-03-2025, 09:00, Touré Roberts
TD Jakes - Blinded By Rage
TD Jakes - Blinded By Rage
31-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
#603 - Joseph Prince - Find Power In His Presence - Part 2
#603 - Joseph Prince - Find Power In His Presence - Part 2
4-04-2023, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#502 - Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage And Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest) - Part 2
#502 - Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage And Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest) - Part 2
24-12-2022, 21:00, Joseph Prince
#205 Joseph Prince - When You Touch Jesus, You Touch Your Destiny
#205 Joseph Prince - When You Touch Jesus, You Touch Your Destiny
22-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
Steven Furtick - I'm Not What I Thought
Steven Furtick - I'm Not What I Thought
19-01-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
#652 - Joseph Prince - Release His Glory In Your Life - Part 4
#652 - Joseph Prince - Release His Glory In Your Life - Part 4
23-05-2023, 23:00, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - Backfire
TD Jakes - Backfire
24-10-2020, 17:00, TD Jakes
#537 - Joseph Prince - Jesus Draws Near When You Are Discouraged - Highlights
#537 - Joseph Prince - Jesus Draws Near When You Are Discouraged - Highlights
28-01-2023, 19:00, Joseph Prince
#203 Joseph Prince - Accepted in the Beloved, Empowered to Succeed (FULL)
#203 Joseph Prince - Accepted in the Beloved, Empowered to Succeed (FULL)
20-10-2021, 14:00, Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
10-03-2025, 08:00, Joseph Prince
#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Highlights
#280 - Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet - Highlights
22-02-2022, 14:00, Joseph Prince
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 2
#183 Joseph Prince - The Secret To Being Crowned With Glory And Honor - Part 2
23-01-2021, 15:00, Joseph Prince
Touré Roberts - It's Non-Negotiable
Touré Roberts - It's Non-Negotiable
15-03-2025, 16:00, Touré Roberts
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 6
18-03-2022, 16:23, Creflo Dollar
TD Jakes - Flash Point
TD Jakes - Flash Point
20-06-2021, 07:00, TD Jakes
Tim Dilena - You Thought I Was Just Like You
Tim Dilena - You Thought I Was Just Like You
20-12-2022, 18:00, Tim Dilena
Sid Roth - She Thought Jesus Hated Her. Then He Walked into Her Room
Sid Roth - She Thought Jesus Hated Her. Then He Walked into Her Room
29-01-2025, 17:00, Sid Roth
#382 - Joseph Prince - Becoming A Pillar In God's House - Highlights
#382 - Joseph Prince - Becoming A Pillar In God's House - Highlights
26-08-2022, 19:00, Joseph Prince
TD Jakes - Here Comes Jesus
TD Jakes - Here Comes Jesus
20-06-2022, 16:00, TD Jakes