TD Jakes - Trauma, Triggers, and Triumph

Nothing will ever be the way it was, and that positions people on two sides of the fence. One camp dances as the other weeps. In the text, the young men rejoice for experiencing God in a brand-new way, while the old men cling to the glory of the former house. God's trying to get us to fall out of love with the "old thing." Whatever that is for you, believe that the glory of the new “house” will be greater because God said so. And God didn't promise you your plan — He promised you His. It’s in His plan that peace prospers. Don’t weep for what was; rejoice in what is!

Message: “Trauma, Triggers, and Triumph”
Scripture: Ezra 3:10-13 (NIV); Haggai 2:6-9 (NIV)
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
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