You got to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. Stop talking to everybody else; sometimes you have to go direct. You got to go direct. You got to go direct. Even if the people around you are telling the truth, it may not be the perfect truth for your life. Hello, somebody! Sometimes you have to move from general truths to specific truths for you, and you don’t get that in the crowd; you get that in the vertical. He went a little further, fell on his face, and prayed, saying, «Oh my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.» Man, it’s rough, right? And He says, «Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.» I love that! Look at the strength; see, this was a new level of strength that He probably wouldn’t have been able to press into in the crowd because He had them to lean on. Sometimes you get to a place where you don’t have anything human to lean on, and you get to a point where it’s just you and the Lord—just you and God—and He gives you strength that’s bigger than the comfort of knowing that you have security, right? Did you catch that? Yes! I got to be by myself so that I can remember where my help comes from, right? So, He has this encounter with God, and He’s like, «God, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me.» That shows how desperate a situation our Lord was in. Even though He knew all He had to do, He reached a point where He said, «Yo, this is heavy. This is a burden that I feel. First of all, I know it’s going to take all that I have in me to realize, and quite frankly, it looks like it might take even more than I have in me. I’m unsure about this, and so, since I’m unsure, if it is possible at all, please let this cup pass—not the other cup; I’ll drink the other cup, but let this particular cup, right here—my destiny cup, the thing that I came for.» It was a ludicrous conversation, but that’s what happens sometimes. Sometimes it’s okay to want to quit if you know you’re never going to. You follow what I’m saying? Sometimes it’s okay to feel like quitting if you know deep down inside you will never give up because you were bought with a price, born for a purpose. There have been many times I thought about quitting, and I know heaven was just laughing, like, «Yeah!» There was a part of me that’s laughing too, thinking, «Do what? And go where? For this purpose I appeared, for this purpose I was manifested. What am I going to do—sell vacuums?» So, He has this encounter and says, «God, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, ” and then something kicked in—a part of Him that He had never experienced before. A greater level of Him kicked in, and He said, „Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done. Let’s roll.“ He got His breakthrough. Let’s roll, right? Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping. See, He couldn’t rely on them anyway. Peter, like, „Jesus, I know you’re about to change the world, but I’m tired. It’s been a long day; I got to get some rest.“ Then He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, „What?“ The Lord kind of turned up a little bit; He’s like, „Could you not watch with me one hour?“ You ever had a friend like that? You’re like, „What?“ Then Jesus says this, and this is what I’m getting to: Jesus says, „I need you to watch and to pray, ” because if you don’t watch, that word literally means „be awake.“ There’s a battle over your mind, a battle over your path, and a battle over your consciousness—over your reality. It’s right here! He says „Watch”—that means be awake, alert, conscious. Oh, I feel the Lord! Watch and pray, He says, because if you don’t, you are going to enter—you’re going to enter into temptation. Let me stop right there. Okay, so I need you to be awake—be awake to my touch on your life, to my hand on your life, to your sense of purpose and calling. It’s a realm all in itself, and I need you to be awake to it. I need you to pray to stay connected to it, because if you don’t do that, I’m telling you right now, there are temptations waiting for you. It’s interesting; He says, „Lest you enter into temptation.“ It doesn’t say „lest you fall to the temptation, ” „lest you do the temptation, ” or „whatever the temptation, ” because it’s not about that. It’s about the temptation drawing you into another path and subsequent consciousness where you’re not thinking about purpose, where you’re not thinking about the things of God, where you’re not sensitive to what God is doing. You will be dull in a moment like now where all of creation is screaming out, „Will the church stand up?“ See, temptation is not necessarily to kill you; it’s to trap you. I’m trying—I want to distract you from the path that purpose and the leading and guiding of my Spirit has placed you on. Oh, I love real church! I want to distract you from that; because if you stay on the course of the Spirit, you’re going to get brighter and brighter and lighter and lighter. The word says that the path of…