I want to talk to you about all that. There was no oil on any of those things. I’ve got notes on those subjects; there was no oil. The only thing I felt the oil on was to tell you that it’s time to shine. That’s the only thing I felt oil on—it’s time to shine. It’s time to shine, and I got notes and notes and notes, but I want to stop right here because I think you get it. Some things are taught; other things are caught. You’re going to have to learn something; subscribe to some other public figures and pay attention. I saw that stuff jump off, and OpenAI said, «Oh, it’s going down, it’s going down,» and then I looked at how they reemerged. You look at everybody; if you don’t know, just Google it. The board reemerges, and just about everybody who was about morality over profit is off that board now, and they’re moving on. Watch this: they’re creating an alternative civilization while we’re sitting back like, «Hey, whatever.» No, it ain’t whatever. He who rules technology and science rules the world. Yes, some of you call. I want to make an altar call real quick. It says, «Those who know their God will do great exploits.» Now is not the time to know of God; now is the time to know God for real. And God can be known. First of all, please recognize that you are known by God, so it’s not like this connection is about just meeting up. No, before God put you in your mother’s womb, God knew you. God is not meeting you; it’s time for your eyes to be opened and your heart to be receptive to perceive the love of your soul. So if you’re here and you say, «PT, I really messed the service up. I’m sorry, oh Jesus.» And you say, «PT, man, I want to know God.» Like, I’ve been touched by God since I was nine years old; that was the first time I remember being touched by God, and I got baptized, but I didn’t really know God. I knew the God of my salvation; I knew the God of Heaven. If I expired, I grew up in South Central, and the reality of dying early was right there in front of me. But even in those moments, I had the confidence that, okay, I have a place there, but I didn’t know God. One of the things I didn’t know is that you could actually perceive God for real, walk with God, and know, like, «Whoa, God said that to me.» I didn’t know that was even available. God talks; God speaks. If I align my path with God’s direction, I’ll prosper. Like, really, if I listen to Him and surrender to Him, I’ll have power and victory over my flesh, over my carnal nature. Things that I could not say no to, I would be empowered to actually say no and stick to it, not be like, «Oops, I did it again.» Like, whoa, God, that is available too. For real! I can have a decision in front of me—a very difficult decision—and there is no obvious choice, but you can whisper in my spirit the direction, and I’ll move in that and win. Had I gone in the other direction, I would have lost. That’s available to me. Yeah, I can have my own relationship with God and not rely on a preacher to tell me things. The preacher just confirms what’s already in me. I can really have that; I can be filled with the Spirit of God and have access to the power to produce miracles, signs, and wonders. What? Where I used to be afraid of devils, now I have this confidence, and now devils are afraid of me. What? Wait, wait, wait. My wife can be sick, or my friend can be sick, or somebody I really love can be sick. And if God chooses, I can lay my hands, and they no longer will be sick. Like, really, there’s a lot to this thing, but none of that happens if you don’t know. So I want to do something real quick; just stick with me. I promise we’ll truly be out in like 15 minutes, honestly-ish. But if that’s you and you say, «God knows me.» I feel that God knows me because He was all up in my stuff, and I don’t usually get into messages like this. I typically like, «For I know the plans that I have for you,» but this kind of got up in my stuff. It’s calling me from a deep place. I don’t feel judged or condemned or anything like that, but I feel drawn, like something is up; that lets you know that God knows you because He can get into places where the average human can’t reach. So if that’s you and you’re here and you feel touched by God and want to touch God back and get to know Him, just come. Just come meet me real quick; I just want to pray for you. Here is the second point. The second point is, you know, when we talked about it, it says those who essentially dishonor the covenant—those who know God—but if you’re honest, like, you really…
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#350 Joseph Prince - Step Into God's Greater Glory - Highlights