#622 - Joseph Prince - Position Yourself To See His Hazon Vision - Part 4
To see Jesus is to see life. To see Jesus when they were all bitten by snakes in the wilderness, amen, and Moses was told by God to make a bronze serpent and put it on the cross, literally it's a cross, amen, the rod that he lifted. And Jesus says, even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, the Son of Man must be lifted up, amen. Look to Jesus, not your disease, not to your condition, amen. Look to Jesus, amen. See your condition on him, amen. As you seek the Lord, have a book ready, amen. Even when God gives you a picture, you can draw it or a verse, or you know, God gives you a statement or whatever, you know, write it down, amen. So, the book becomes like a spiritual journaling of your life.
If you write things down, you see, it is a form of no confidence in the flesh. You may say, "I'll remember that, I'll remember that," but friend, that's confidence in the flesh. And many a times you forget the very gem, the very vision, that very revelation that God has given you that will strengthen you in your times of depression, in your times of, you know, when you are feeling down and all that, that the Word that's supposed to encourage you, you forgot because you didn't write it down. At times, I just go through my Bible, my wide-margin Bible to see what I've written on the side. And it revives me again. I look at my exercise book and I see what I wrote inside there. And there were things that I write that four years ago that I'd forgotten.
Write the vision down, that he may run who reads it. What does that mean? Not only are you walking in the Spirit, you are running. Hallelujah, amen.
It's so faith building for me just to go back and see how faithful God has been, amen. So, write down what God shows you. If the writers of the Bible did not write down what God showed them, we won't have the Bible today. Everything was God-breathed.
Open the eyes of your heart, amen, to see what God wants you to see.
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#622 - Joseph Prince - Position Yourself To See His Hazon Vision - Part 2
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#621 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Hazon Vision - Highlights
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#610 - Joseph Prince - God Is Good Even When Times Are Bad - Part 2
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#628 - Joseph Prince - Five Times More Favor And Provision - Part 2
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#621 - Joseph Prince - The Year Of Hazon Vision - Part 2
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#628 - Joseph Prince - Five Times More Favor And Provision - Part 1
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