#524 - Joseph Prince - Feel Disqualified? God Can Use You! - Part 2
God doesn't just say, "Be holy". He provides you the gift to be holy, amen. Doesn't just say, "You know, do this," amen; he loves you into doing it, amen. So, that's the Christian life right now. Praise the Lord Jesus. Are you following what I'm saying so far? So, at the cross, not only the enemy is silenced, the law is magnified, God is satisfied. All of God's claims are fully met and that's why Jesus cried "finished" at the cross.
God's wisdom is about getting you out of debt, whether it's sin debt or any other debt.
Every blessing that was given to the people in the Old Testament was actually looking to the cross, looking to the future of the cross, every blessing. That woman that Jesus said to her, who was caught in adultery, Jesus said to her, "Go and sin no more". Did he say that? Yes, but before that, what did he say? "Neither do I condemn you". How can Jesus tell her "Neither do I condemn you"? How can he say that? He can say that because he will pay for her sin. As she walks away, it's like Jesus saying to the Father, "Put that on my tab".
On that cross, Jesus, whom the Bible says all things were created by him; do you know even time was created by him? But he died within the time zone, right? He confined himself in time. Even though he is God, he confined himself in time, amen. Someone said, "I don't see". One Jewish guy, an unbeliever said this: "I can't see how, how men," referring to Jesus, "how men tries to be like God". He doesn't believe in deity of Jesus. The problem is that I would tell him this. The mystery is actually this, that God will become a man; not that some man is trying to be like God, but God became a man.
#524 - Joseph Prince - Feel Disqualified? God Can Use You! - Highlights
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