#314 - Joseph Prince - Grace, Your Past Does Not Determine Your Future - Part 3

Today, God is not just saying, "Yeah, I forgive you when you trust in Jesus," you know, "I just sweep your sins under the carpet". No, God's righteousness is involved. God's holiness is involved in justifying us, hallelujah. Today, when God says, "There is therefore now no condemnation," it is not because God is just trying to be soft or, you know, trying to go easy on us. No, it's based on his righteousness and holiness. God cannot condemn the same sin twice. God cannot condemn Jesus for my sins and then condemn me for my sins. And God is the one that designed it to be this way. Give praise and glory to him, hallelujah.

All right, church, come on, give him price. When God took Jesus, who knew no sin, there was no sin in him, and God put him on the cross, and Jesus came for this purpose. He knew the Christmas story. He was born to lie in a manger. You go to Israel today in the Garden Tomb, you will look at the place that looks like a manger, adult size. That's where he laid. It's now empty. God took all your sins with full clarity, my friend. God sees like no one can see. God sees everything about you.

You think you have this amount of debt? God says, "No, no, if only you knew your debt is so much more". We think we are great by confessing what sins that we know. God says, "No, if I forgive you just based on what you know and what you say, it's very limited". So God took all our sins based on his knowledge, and God put it on his Son, and with full clarity, God punished his Son because God has to be righteous. If God doesn't punish sin, God is not righteous. If God punished us, he is not love, all right? So how does God reconcile?

The cross answers everything. He punished our sins in the body of Jesus Christ. Jesus's body absorbed, you know, one of these days, I'mma show you a video like a cyclone of all the sins and all the destructive diseases and depression and fears and all kinds of oppression like the whirlwind, dark whirlwind, "shhh," over the cross, and, all of a sudden, "phoom," in the body of Jesus. Like a black hole, he just absorbed it all and cried, "Finished". That's my Lord Jesus. There's the story of Jesus. That's the story of Christmas.
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