Touré Roberts - Your New Normal

Touré Roberts

Message : Your New Normal Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to talk today from this theme and this idea: back to business, not as usual. This passage of scripture is powerful. I’m going to give you some backdrop to help you...

Touré Roberts - Your Forgotten Inheritance

Touré Roberts

Message : Your Forgotten Inheritance Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to talk tonight, and I guess the theme is your forgotten inheritance. This is a message, and it is a message about the kingdom of God. If we are to be honest,...

Touré Roberts - Your Faith is Your Currency

Touré Roberts

Message : Your Faith is Your Currency Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Faith is a currency; it is your means of exchange with God. When you sing, you’re saying, «God, give me something; I have some faith.» God is saying, «If you show me...

Touré Roberts - Your Cry Has Been Heard

Touré Roberts

Message : Your Cry Has Been Heard Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Let’s go to 2nd Samuel chapter 22. We’re going to read the first seven verses, and our thought for the night is really a prophetic declaration: your cry has been heard....

Touré Roberts - Your Calling is Calling

Touré Roberts

Message : Your Calling is Calling Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

Touré Roberts - You Will Survive The Stretch

Touré Roberts

Message : You Will Survive The Stretch Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I want to explain the unique moment we are experiencing as a movement and as a church. I will present the «why» before discussing the «what.» The ultimate «why» is...

Touré Roberts - You Will Lack Nothing

Touré Roberts

Message : You Will Lack Nothing Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church So, my declaration to you today is that you will lack nothing in the end. I promise you it will all add up. Mothers are awesome; mothers are amazing! I’m blown away by the...

Touré Roberts - You vs You

Touré Roberts

Message : You vs You Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church Let’s get into this. I’ve been talking about it for weeks now, and I think I’m going to come down and talk to you, is that okay? I’ll come down and talk to you because this is where...

Touré Roberts - You Have an Advocate

Touré Roberts

Message : You Have an Advocate Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church I believe that one of the sure signs that you have the Holy Spirit is the peace that the Holy Spirit brings to you. Jesus says, right there in that passage—and I think it’s...

Touré Roberts - You Are at a Cross-Section

Touré Roberts

Message : You Are at a Cross-Section Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

Touré Roberts - Why You MUST Get it?

Touré Roberts

Message : Why You MUST Get it? Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church...

Touré Roberts - Why Did You Stop?

Touré Roberts

Message : Why Did You Stop? Preacher: Touré Roberts Church: ONE Church So we’re picking up where we left off in this incredible story of victory and instruction. We see, you know, the story here: Elijah is the man of God; he’s representing God, and...

Touré Roberts Sermons