I want you to turn in your phones and turn to your Bible apps, to Mark chapter seven. I have some thoughts. I know many of us are going out into the streets later, which is going to be awesome! Come on, somebody! We’re getting out there, and we’re going to be a blessing. I believe this will help you recognize those who are going out there. Mark chapter 7, verses 31-38 says, «Again, departing from the region of Tyre and Sidon, He—this is Jesus—came to the midst of the region of Decapolis, to the Sea of Galilee. Then they brought to Him one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech. He could not hear, nor could he talk, and they begged Jesus to put His hand on the individual. Jesus took him aside from the multitude, put His fingers in his ears, spat, and touched his tongue. Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed and said to him, 'Ephatha, ' that is, 'Be opened.' Immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly. Then He commanded them that they should tell no one; but the more He commanded them, the more widely they proclaimed it, and they were astonished beyond measure, saying, 'He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.'
Father, thank You so much for Your Word. Thank You for this moment together with Your beloved. You are radically in love with everyone under the sound of my voice right now, and You know exactly what they need—what they need to hear, what they need to understand, and what they need to feel. You know the areas that need to be healed; You know the areas that need to be encouraged. You know everything about all of us. You know the miracles that we’re praying for. You know the breakthroughs that we need. Father, I believe that in this meetup, You have purposed to meet with us and to speak to us. So God, I’m praying that You would speak to Your sons and daughters in a way that would be in their language. All of us have our own unique language—the language of our own soul—and You know what it is. So speak; we’re listening. I thank You for wisdom, revelation, prophecy, insight, and knowledge, and I decree that we will be better upon exiting than we were upon entering. In Jesus' name, amen.
Tomorrow, I will unpack this idea so much more than I’m going to today. This is more of a charge, if you would. I want to tell you something about you that I don’t think you know, and I think it’s important to not only see Jesus as our Savior, our Deliverer, and our Healer—all the things that we have come to know Jesus as, and that is all wonderful. But if you don’t recognize Jesus as your model, you are going to miss something. He’s more than just your Savior; He is your model. Jesus was modeling something for you. That’s why He told His disciples, „I’m getting ready to go to my Father, ” but He said, „Greater things you are going to do.“ Does that ever freak you out? Jesus, as awesome as He is, says, „Oh, by the way, I’m getting ready to roll out, but you are going to do greater things than I did.“
Let me pause for a second. You have to allow what God says to you to cultivate your sense of identity. Here’s what I mean: If God says things like, „You’re going to do greater things than I did, ” you can’t respond, „How am I going to do it? No, I’m not.“ You can’t do that. Watch this: That is actually disobedience. If God calls you great and tells you that you are going to shake the earth and change the world, and you are going to do things that have never been seen before, you have to receive that. Oh, I feel the Holy Spirit. You’ve got to accept it! I feel that for some of you. Accept it! Don’t let shame get in the way. Don’t let your mistakes get in the way. Don’t let what other people have said about you get in the way. Don’t let the negative narrative in your own head get in the way. You have got to get to a place where, when God says something about you that is beyond what you say about yourself, you have to say, „Yes, sir! Amen!“ Are you tracking with me? I’m serious, because if you don’t get in the habit of embracing who God says you are, you will miss producing the things that are in you to produce.
As you think, so are you. I was listening to the late and great Dr. Miles Monroe the other day. Is anyone familiar with Miles Monroe? He had some really great ideas and thoughts; he was an awesome man of God—not without his flaws, like all of us—but what he was good at, he was very good at, and I have the deepest respect for him. He is worthy of honor. Anyway, I was listening to him the other day, and he was talking about the elephant and the lion, and how if the elephant and the lion met up, they would have two different perspectives about themselves that shaped their understanding.
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