Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 6

Today I'm continuing a series that I started last week talking about effortless change, which sounds like an impossibility but if you do it God's way, it just comes effortlessly and I tell you this is one of my favorite things to teach on because this is just a foundation principle that will change your life probably more than most things you hear. Real quickly before I get in to today's broadcast, let me just mention that we are now in our... Our new building up at woodland park. We have 157 acres that I've entitled the sanctuary and this new building. We held our first classes in there January the 6th and I tell you, it is a "Praise the Lord". Not only is it a beautiful building and it is going to enable us to minister to more students and this is just the first of two buildings that we're going to be building.

The second building will actually wind up being one and a half times bigger than this one, but it is just a tremendous facility. It's a wonderful place. One of the greatest testimonies is that it was done debt free and I tell you, that's a miracle! That i...Well, it's actually a blessing of God. It is not outside of the normal things. God used people and I just want to thank those of you that helped us to get this done. It is a real "Praise the Lord" and thank you very much and we're having a special dedication on March the 22nd... That will the anni... The evening before the anniversary of my 46th year since the Lord touched my life and changed me and we're going to have a special thing. We invite people to come. You would be blessed to come and see what God has done! This is the house that God built and it is awesome!

So today I want to get back into this teaching. I've been talking about that there is effortless change if you do it God's way and Gods way is to take the Word of God like a seed and I made a major point of this that the Word of God is to the Kingdom of God the way that seeds are to this natural world. There is nothing that, you know, plant life... Animal life... Human life... All of it operates off of seeds and in the same way the Word of God is the seed that if you will plant it in your heart, it just automatically changes you. I spent over a week trying to really emphasize that point. And then on last Friday's broadcast we had just started talking about John the Baptist from Mark, chapter... Excuse me...Matthew, chapter 11 and Luke, chapter 7. There's two of the Gospels that record this and I was looking at it in my life for today Bible commentary.

I've got one that I harmonize the Gospels and put them into chronological order and one page you have all four of the Gospels represented so that instead of going through Matthew and then Mark and then Luke and then John, you go through chronologically the events that took place and what this does, it allows you to compare these and it gives you a better understanding of what's going on. For instance, these are some of the things that I've pointed out briefly last Friday. In Matthew, chapter 11, after John the Baptist's disciples came to Jesus... Matthew, chapter 11... They just asked this question in verse 3... It says, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another"? And in Matthew 11:4 it just says, "Jesus answered and said unto them".

If you just read Matthew by itself, it might imply that he immediately gave this response, but when you read this exact same instance recorded in Luke, chapter 7. It says this in verse 20... It says, and when the men were come unto him, they said, John baptist has sent us unto thee, saying, art thou he that should come? Or look we for another? And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits: and unto many that were blind he gave sight. Then Jesus answering said unto them... And it gives the same thing that was said in Matthew.

But when you put these two together what you see is that for about an hour, Jesus didn't even respond to John's disciples. It's like he just ignored them and he went about and he healed people and saw blind eyes open and lame people walk and he saw a person raised from the dead and all of these things and then he gave this answer and this answer basically was just go tell John what you've seen and the blind see. The deaf hear. The dead are raised. The lame walk: and blessed is he, if he won't be offended in me. And even though... You know, that is an answer to me it didn't seem like as good of an answer as what he gave after John's disciples were gone.
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