Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 3

Today I'm continuing a series that I've entitled effortless change and I know that that sounds impossible, but it is not only possible, this is the way that God wants to change your life is effortlessly. It shouldn't be this terrible traumatic experience. It's just effortless if you do it God's way. You know, you've never seen an apple tree moan and groan and scream and yell and just eeeeehhhh and boom! Here's an apple! It's the nature of an apple tree to produce apples. It is the nature of us as born again believers to walk in victory. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.

It says in John, chapter 1 to them that believed on him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. It is natural for a Christian to be a world overcomer but did you know what? Very few Christians are overcoming? Very few Christians are truly victorious and able to overcome the problems that life throws them and it's not because it is not our nature to do so. It's because we are praying and asking God to do these things instead of letting the nature that God has placed on the inside of us come out through the renewing of our mind. Boy, that is a major, major truth that I've said right there. So I've been talking about this all week.

Again I want to advertise that I've got these materials on effortless change. You need to get these materials because I promise you, you are not going to get totally changed in one 30-minute program. You need to get these materials and go over it. Also I've got the Bible reading guide that is a gift to you. If you call in, we'll send this to you as a freebie. This is the same Bible reading guide that our Bible college students use and then I'm really excited about this... We're relaunching our living commentary which many of you don't know what that is but I have written footnotes on over 18,000 verses in the Bible and some of these footnotes took me over a week to write. Just a lot of things...

Anyway I haven't got time to explain it here on our television program, but on our web site we have a place called the inside story and during this month of January I'm interviewing stan priest, the guy... Our computer department head and he's the one that helped me put all this together and he knows all of the details and the specifics and so we're talking about this living commentary. I would encourage you to go to our web site. Check out the inside story and I believe that this... This living commentary would be a life changer for you. There is no reason that you have to just go to me to receive your revelation of the word. Everything that I'm sharing with you, I got from the word and I have written these things out at these verses that have changed my life and I guarantee you, you can go straight to the source and you can begin to receive just as quickly as you want to so that is a tremendous deal.

Let me go back to Romans, chapter 12, verses 1 and 2. These are the verses that God used to change my life. Many of you have heard me talk about my experience I had with the Lord, March the 23rd, 1968, where God showed up and it was a result of meditating in these scriptures. You know, the thing that I've been trying to say during the last few days is to say that change doesn't come from the outside in. It comes from the inside out and the Word of God is the number one instrument that God uses to effect this change in your heart... In the way you think... And this is exactly how my life began to change. I was seeking to know what God's will for my life was and for about I guess my junior year and especially in my senior year of high school, I was just day and night asking God to reveal to me what his purpose for my life was and I knew that it had to be in the Bible someplace so I was just reading scripture and at Christmas time of 1967... This would have been right after I graduated from high school, I was in my first year of college, I heard a man use Romans 12:1 and 2 and this just changed my life. It says, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God".

And that last phrase here in verse 2 is what caught my attention because this is what I had been wanting to know is God, what is your will for my life, and this said that you will prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God, and when I saw that, I said this is it, and so I backtracked and I went back up to verse 1 and I began to start reading about the way you find God's good, acceptable and perfect will is to, first of all, verse 1... Become a living sacrifice. That's just our normal Christian duty. That's not just for the super saints... For the full time ministers. This is for every joe blow or jane doe Christian is to be a living sacrifice and when I saw this, this is what I began to pray and I said God, what does it mean to be a living sacrifice? How do I do it and I just began to focus on these verses.
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