Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 12

Today I'm continuing my teaching on effortless change and I'm going to be back on that in just a few moments but again this week is the 41st anniversary of the roe v. Wade decision by the supreme court where they legalized abortion and since that time there was been well over 50 million children murdered in the United States and it's really more than that because New York and California aren't required to report all abortions. Those are just the ones that are reported and so this is a major tragedy and I know that there's people watching this program who think that I just need to stick with the word and quit being political. I tell you, this is the word! I can teach on this and I know that there's people watching this program that say but... You know, you don't understand.

Sometimes there's these other circumstances and what if the woman doesn't have the money to take care... Well then, put it up for adoption! Well, you know what if the baby has some kind of a birth defect or something like that... Just because a person has some birth defect is not a justification for killing them! That would be like you going up to a person who's in a wheelchair and because they can't walk around, you just decide that they aren't a viable human being and you kill them. You do not have the right to kill a person. Plus with...With the Lord, God can heal a person. You know what I want to do today... Tomorrow is this 41st anniversary and I want a play a testimony of the trover family who as this woman was pregnant, she went and got... I guess a sonogram, I'm not sure exactly, but the doctor determined that this baby out of like 21 Markers that showed that a baby had down syndrome, this baby had 20 of those 21 Markers. It was like a 99% chance that this baby was going to be born down syndrome, but they chose life and they chose to have this baby and they prayed and God healed the baby and the baby was born perfectly normal!

I think that it will really bless you and it will make a statement that you know whether the Lord heals the child or not, that that is not a justification for killing a child just because it isn't the way that you think it should be. Watch this testimony and then I'll come back at the end of this program. My husband was dead set against having four children. He has four in his family and I come from a family of three and when we had our... We had a boy first... I have a seven-year-old son and when we...I was pregnant with my second child, I prayed that he would be a boy because I knew that if we had a boy and a girl, my husband would say okay, that's great. We have one of each and...And that's a wonderful family so I really prayed be a boy. I need two boys so I can have my third child, you know, so when I went to him saying I would love to have a third child he said okay. Well we'll try for our daughter one more time but if we don't we have my three sons and...And we're done.

So actually in the ultrasound room when...When they said this is a girl, my husband just was like he won a football game or something. You know, he said this... I love it when a plan comes together and, you know, now this is our family. We're complete. We have our two sons and our daughter so we can do this and so I had this gorgeous portrait done of...Of my three children and had just hung it on the wall. In the fall of 2008 business was not good. It was clear that the economy was headed in the wrong direction. I started praying heavily and regularly that business would improve and for direction from the Lord.

As I was praying, he continued to press on to my heart that we were to have another child, which was not what I was looking to hear at the time, and yet I continued to hear this from him. I did not initially tell my wife. In fact I was much like Jonah in that I headed in the other direction and then one evening I was working at my computer. It was about midnight and God told me it was time to go and tell my wife and so I went in and sat down on the bed with her and she was reading and I said honey, I've got to tell you something and that is that God wants us to have a baby. He said it's been about two months now that God's been waking me up in the night and just telling me that we're supposed to have another child that we're supposed to have a fourth baby and my reaction was a bit of shock.

We had thought we were done. We had three beautiful children but we certainly knew that it was time to listen to God and shortly thereafter we...Did conceive our fourth and after a couple of pregnancy tests that were positive... We went and had the ultrasound done and sure enough, number four was on the way. Then we went to our next ultrasound appointment quite a few weeks later and there was some concern. She completed the scan and when she was done, she said to us. She said... There's several factors here that ha...That convince me that this is a down syndrome baby. She told us that there was... Fluid on the baby's brain. She told me that the baby's head was...Was more round and normal healthy babies have more oval shaped heads. She said that the cheek bones were flattened... That there was a flattening here and that the nose bone was not visible at all... That she couldn't get a measurement on it. The pinkie fingers on both hands... The third digit... The...The...Was missing from the pinkie.

She showed us that there were calcium deposits in the baby's heart. She said that the limbs from here to here and here to here on the arms and the legs as far as from joint to joint were shortened that they weren't the right... That they weren't growing at the correct length they were showing a shortened... Deformity in the bone structure. She told us that the kidney had showed water on the kidneys. She said no you have a greater than 1 in 2 chance that this baby has down syndrome. She talked to us about... Termination. You know, she said, you know, your options as well would be to terminate this pregnancy. She...She told us we do not do abortions here but we could give you reference for that and that was very hard for me to hear because that would not ever be an option for us, you know, and I was very Adamant in my reply back to her that that's not something we're interested in doing.

When the doctor left the room I stood up and immediately canceled this diagnosis. This was not what...What God had for this baby. This was not of God. It was clear that this was Satan trying to attack what God had as a plan for our family and I canceled the diagnosis immediately. And he said I cancel this diagnosis in the name of Jesus. I cancel this diagnosis that we don't believe these things that were spoken over our child and we don't accept it. We know that God called this baby out... That this was his will for this child to be born and that we don't believe that these things are... The truth that these facts but we believe that they're real, you know, that they're facts in the natural world... That God... That...You know, the doctor is doing her job and has shown us. This was something that we saw. In no uncertain terms, this was really there physically in the natural... And yet we knew in the...In the supernatural that this is not going to happen to our baby and we were going to believe that God was going to heal our baby and yet we... It was a tough time to go through.
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