Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 10

Today I'm continuing a series talking about effortless change. This is now the end of my second week of teaching on this. Actually, I've done two weeks and one day, and I've been talking about a subject that has just literally transformed my life and I'm excited about this. I have to tell people when I'm...Get excited because I don't show it outwardly a lot, but I'm telling you, I'm explaining that I am really excited about how powerful God's word is to produce change in a person's life effortlessly. I've got this teaching on CD and DVD and then I have a book on this that's entitled, effortless change. It's about a 200 page book, or I'm not sure the exact number, but anyway, it's a good sized book, and then I have a study guide here and this study guide is specifically to help you learn, but also to teach other people.

There's a data CD in the front that you can print out as many copies of this study guide as you would like and give it to people that you're discipling. So, we've got some great materials. Also, I'm offering our living commentary, which is a verse by verse commentary throughout the entire Bible. I haven't totally finished it, that's the reason it's called a living commentary, but I've written footnotes on over 18,000 verses now and I'm constantly updating them and so, anyway, I encourage you to please get these materials. Let me go back to Psalms, chapter 19.

On our program yesterday I started reading in Psalms 19:7, and I wrote all...Read all the way down through verse 14, and then I went back and I covered Psalms 19:7, where it says, "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul", and what I'm sharing these scriptures for is just to take passages of scripture where God said about his own word what it would accomplish in your life, and it will produce growth, it will make you perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work, is what the scripture says over in the book of Timothy and so it says, "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple". In verse 8, "The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart".

You know, every one of these phrases right here are things that I have meditated on and they have made a huge difference in my life. But it says, "The statutes of the Lord". That's just another way of referring to God's word, and it'll cause your heart to rejoice, and I tell you, one of the things that I deal with a lot, I have many, many people come to me and they're just discouraged because of some instance that's happening in their life or somebody that they love or you know, their future or something like this. There are just a lot of bad things that happen and I have people come all of the time asking me to pray that they could just receive the joy of the Lord, and yet this says, that the Word of God rejoice the heart, and I've already given a number of examples on this, but I could give you many, many more. The times that I'm just fighting discouragement or you know, you just hit a plateau and it doesn't seem like you're excited about the things of God the way that you should be, what I do is just go spend some time in the word and it causes my heart to rejoice.

I know that there's people watching this program right now that you need to rejoice. You need...You need some joy. The Bible says in Nehemiah 8:10, the joy of the Lord is my strength, and you know what? You need strength and...And how do you do it? You just go to studying the word and the Word of God will cause you to rejoice because it shows the triumph of God over the devil, good over evil. It will show you time and time and time again people who have trusted God and it worked for them and it will be an encouragement to you. It will rejoice your heart. It goes on to say, the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. Man, this is powerful. You know, most of us are just spiritually blind. It's like we can't see very well. We're either short sighted or something and we just can't see the things of God. How do you get the revelation that you need? The Word of God will enlighten your eyes.
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