Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 11

This is the beginning of my third week of teaching on effortless change and I tell you, this is something that has just transformed my life and today I'm coming to the teaching that is probably the most exciting to me in this whole thing that I've been talking about... Effortless change... And we're going to start talking about the parable of the sower sowing the seed. This has just become a anchor in my life... One of the most important things that God has ever shown me. You know before we get back into that, let me just mention that this coming Wednesday, I believe it is, is the 41st anniversary of the supreme court's decision in Roe V. Wade where they legalized abortion and since that time, you know, it depends on which figures you see, but I know that there is well over 50 million children that have been aborted in just the United States alone and of course, around the world it's much, much higher.

Many of the... Oh, I don't know what you call them, but these charities that you support, that they say that they're for children and they're there to help children and you give them your change and do these kind of things. What they actually do, they fund abortions. They are some of the largest abortionists in the entire world and they say they're helping children by killing them so that they don't ever come into this world and have to suffer all these things. I'm telling you, it's a plague among us today and I just want to in honor of this Roe V. Wade decision... The 41st anniversary of this...

I want to play a little piece that my television department put together about a woman named Minka and she is now 102 years old and I think her birthday is November of... What would that be? It would be 1901? It that right? No, 1911 I guess it was is when she was born and anyway this woman was raped and back in the day that this happened to her, they didn't have abortion available and she put her child up for adoption... Was reunited when she was 95 years old and I tell you it is a tremendous testimony about choosing life over a death...Over death and I believe that this will bless you. It's just about three minutes long. I would like for you to watch that and then I'll come right back and continue to share the word.

Well, I am Minka Disbrow. I was born on November 10, 1911 so I will be 102 this year in November. I lost my father when I was a year and a half and raised by my mother. Another girl and I... We walked where they said it was a skating rink but I don't remember a thing of the skating rink but anyhow, as we were coming back, three men approached us and both her and I were raped. Well pretty soon of course my mother could see that something was wrong and she took me to the pastor and they decided that I should go into this home for girls and adopt the baby out. They told me that she would be adopted out to a pastor... That he was a Lutheran pastor and evangelist and that baby would have a good home. After giving up her daughter for adoption, Minka went on with her life. She often longed to know what became of the baby she gave up but had little hope until one amazing day when she was 95 years old!

On july 2nd, my telephone rang and a lady's voice says I'm looking for Minka B. Disbrow and it's very important. So then she told me that she had six children and I just oh... Then she said then my son is an astronaut and he's been up four times and he's the one that took the Japanese scientists up. Look at the joy that came back into my life when that family came down... Came back into my life. I said what a joy! Minka saw God turn a traumatic experience into a loving and successful family. Today she volunteers at a pregnancy resource center in San Clemente, California. Minka helps young girls in similar circumstances make the right decisions through the power of her testimony. And so this is what I tell girls and young people, save your baby, and if you can't afford to afford... Or get married to the man... The father of the baby, adopt the baby out! I met Minka six years ago. For six years without fail Minka came and prayed and her testimony is... Is beautiful!

We share her story with girls that are contemplating the choices that they have because they do have a choice when there's that opportunity to share that life is possible and that placing a child for adoption is a beautiful option and they hear about Minka. They're really inspired to choose life. I'm Minka Disbrow and I'm 101 and I chose life! Just think that if abortion would have been available to Minka and she had aborted her daughter, then we wouldn't have had an astronaut. We wouldn't have had all of these people. She wouldn't have had the joy of being reunited with her daughter and I tell you every person who considers abortion, that child is a viable human being from the time of conception. I'm not going to preach on that but the Bible makes it very clear that from the time of conception, they are an individual. They are not a fetus... Some unnamed hunk of flesh. It is a living person.
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