Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 20

Today is my last day of teaching on a series that I've entitled, effortless change, and I tell you, I love this teaching. It has transformed my life and I've seen this really impact other people and change them effortlessly. Today is going to be my last day to offer these materials over the television, so I would encourage you to please go to the effort of getting these materials. I know some people think, well, I've heard this whole series. Why do I need this? Because you need to hear it over. I can guarantee you, this is just a foundational thing that you need to hear over and over and over. You get a bigger... It makes a bigger impact on you when you get it in its entirety and you can sit down and like, read a whole book at a time or listen to a whole CD at a time, plus, this is just something that everybody needs to know, so this would be a great way for you to share it with people, and remember that today is our last day to offer this over our television programs.

I've been teaching from the parable of the sower sowing the seed, and this was taken from Mark, chapter 4, verses 14 down through verse 20, and yesterday I ended up with verse 19 talking about how that Satan comes with the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things, and I was making the point that for the Word of God to have its maximum output in your life you have to be focused on it. You can't just do it in spurts, you can't do it casually. You have to commit yourself to the Word of God and establish priorities to where you don't let even good things come into your life and choke the Word of God. I tell you, that is a major deal. I could probably talk about that a lot longer, but today's our last day to teach on this.

The last type of ground, the type that actually produced fruit is in verse 20. It says, these are they which are sown on good ground: such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. And so there was four types of hearts revealed in this thing. Only one out of four produced fruit, and then out of those that produced fruit, there was variation there, some thirty, some sixty and some a hundred fold. The seed had the exact same potential in every type of soil, and even in this fourth type of soil that actually brought forth fruit, the potential was there for a hundred fold in every single plant, but the difference is again, the soil, it's our heart, it's how much you commit yourself to something.

You know, when I saw this, I just made a decision, that father, if these things are true, which they are, and if the seed has the exact same potential, it's never a bad seed, it's never that, you know, God just created some people to be duds, the Word of God will work for every single person the same way. When I saw that, I just determined that I was going to give myself to the Word of God to the max so that I could get the maximum benefit and I don't believe that it's God that ordained that some people only produce fruit thirty fold, some sixty fold and some a hundred. I believe God wants all of us to be producing and... And reaping this hundred fold return on what he sows in our life, but we...It depends on how much you're committed to something.

And here's another great truth that I learned, and this really ministered to me because during the time that the Lord showed these truths to me, I had been in my first year of college and the l...And I had this miraculous encounter with the Lord and God called me out of college and told me to quit college. Now, that's not for everybody. There are some people that need college to be able to, you know, get a job and do what they are called to do, but I'm saying for me, God told me to quit college and when I did, I was bombarded with people telling me that, you'll never make it, and even in the... You know, in the realm of being a minister, they knew I was committed to the Lord, they said, you've got to go to cemetery, I mean seminary, and you've got to get this degree and you can't ever be a preacher if you don't go through seminary, and so I was just bombarded from all directions, and this really ministered to me because the type of ground that brought forth the most fruit wasn't the ground that had more of everything.

These three previous types of ground, they had more of everything, more rocks, more hardness of earth, more weeds, more all of this stuff. The type of ground that brought forth and that the Word of God really began to work in was the type of ground that was less, not more, and I don't know if that helps you, but again, this background, I was being told that you'll never make it unless you go and get all of this education and do all of these things, and the Lord spoke to me that it's being less, it's not being more. It's not based on your great talents and abilities. It's the Word of God that is what changes your life and that makes it really productive and makes you reap a hundred fold, and when I saw this, I thought, man, I'm not sure I can be more, but I am absolutely certain I can be less. If this is talking about just being focused on the things of God and not leaning unto your own talents and abilities and stuff like this, but being totally God dependent, I said, I can do that. I can be committed. If it's just being committed to the word, I can do that as much as anybody, and you know, I really consider this to be one of the things that God has done in my life that has really blessed me and made a difference.
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