Andrew Wommack - Effortless Change - Episode 2

Today I'm continuing to talk about a subject that I've entitled effortless change. That sounds impossible, but it is possible if you will do it God's way, and God's way is to change through the Word of God. The Word of God will change you effortlessly, if you will just go to the effort of putting God's word in your heart. Man, that is powerful, and let me mention again, you know, I've got the book on effortless change, a study guide... DVDs and CDs on effortless change, and I tell you, that is powerful, but I've also got this special thing, the living commentary, which is a Bible program that has my commentary on over 18,000 verses in the Bible, old and New Testament. I tell you, it's powerful.

I wished I had time to just really explain all of this to you, but we have produced a special place on our web site, awmi.Net and we have a special place there that is called, the inside story, and during this month of January I've gone and I just detailed some of the benefits of this, and I tell you, this is the best study guide for scripture that I've ever had. This has got... You know, 45 years' worth of my seeking the Lord in these footnotes. I wished I had time to just share it with you, but take my word for it, it's great, or go to that web site and look up the inside story, and listen to this, and I tell you, it is powerful, and we are making a special offer.

You know, this living commentary is $120. There's a reason for that because I have two or three employees that this is primarily their number one job, and it's called the living commentary because I add to it every month. Last night, I bet you, I probably wrote another 50 or 60 footnotes as I was studying, and so every time you go on our web site, you update this and you get the newest notes that I've written, or revised notes that I've written, and so it takes employees to do this. We have to keep our web site maintained and things like this, but if you were to get this, you will not only get this, but you will also get our book entitled, effortless change, as a free gift, and also this Bible reading guide as a free gift. So, our announcer will be giving you all of that information.

So, I've been talking about that the very first step in change is to recognize that change doesn't come by just changing your circumstances, it's not outside. Change begins in your heart with the way you think. Proverbs 23:7, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. You know, let me use this verse out of the book of Joshua, chapter 1, and Joshua took over the reins of running the nation of Israel for Moses. You know, Moses was a hard act to follow. How do you follow a guy who brings ten plagues on the land of Egypt and delivers all the Israelites and then splits the Red Sea and does all of these kind of things. Man, you could have been intimidated. You could have been really sweating. How am I going to ever follow in the footsteps of Moses?

Well, the Lord appeared to Joshua in the first chapter of Joshua and told him many things, but here's a verse that I want to point out, in Joshua, chapter 1, in verse 8 it says, this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but thou shalt meditate therein: day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Man, that's powerful right there. He said, you will make your way prosperous and have good success when you meditate in this book of the law day and night and don't let it depart from your mouth.
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