David was in the desert, hiding in caves, doing his best to not get caught. Saul had the most skilled soldiers. He had groups that were specifically trained in tracking people, like a navy seal team. David was a shepherd, he'd been out taking care of sheep, a teenager, he didn't have any professional training, he was outnumbered, they had more equipment, more skill, it seemed like he would easily be defeated. But verse 14 says, "Saul hunted David day after day, but God did not let him be found". God knows how to make it invisible to the enemy. He knows how to hide you from trouble, hide you from an accident, hide you from people that are trying to bring you down.
Instead of living worried, fearful, expecting the worst, have a new perspective - because the blood is over your doorpost, because you belong to the Most High, you have an advantage, God has made you invisible to the enemy. Every morning dare to declare it, "Father, thank you that my family is invisible to the enemy. Thank you that you've covered my children, covered my health, covered my finances, that you have me hidden in a safe place". If you'll do this, I believe and declare: like with David, when trouble comes, God is not going to let you be found. Like with Peter, doors are going to open you can't open, problems that look permanent are about to turn around. God is going to protect you, heal you, favor you, promote you, take you to the fullness of your destiny, in Jesus name.
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