I want to get right into this word; I want to have as much time as possible and really focus on where we left off last week. God was just moving, and I believe He is still moving, so we are in Matthew chapter 16. I want us to go there and start reading in verse 13. It says, «When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, 'Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am? '» So they said, «Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets.» He said to them, «But who do you say that I am?» It’s the more pertinent question for everyone—not who others say that Christ is, but who you have been empowered to describe Him as; who you have been empowered to identify Him as is the real question. So He says to His disciples, «But who do you say that I am?» Simon Peter answered and said, «You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.» And we keep reading; it says Jesus answered and said to him, «Blessed are you!» This is a special type of blessing; oh yes! Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, and here’s why you are blessed: Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you. This is not something you simply learned in Sunday school. You may have received information in Sunday school, but the revelation that brings about transformation you got from Heaven. Has anyone ever had revelation that brings about transformation? Come on, somebody! Oh, hallelujah! That’s why He’s calling him blessed. He says, «Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven.» We know the same God, My Father; I know my Daddy’s voice and I know those who have been touched by my Daddy. We’ve got something in common, and I’m telling you, you’ve tapped into something, and you’re blessed thereby. I’m not supposed to be preaching during the reading, so you all have to help me along! Then He says in verse 18, «And I also say to you that you are Peter.» Now, we know that when I’m recapping a little bit from last week, the boy’s name—with the man’s name—was Simon. But somehow, when he comes into the revelation of Christ’s identity, there is now a mirror, and it begins to reflect back to Peter his highest identity. So there was something about awakening to the identity of Christ that began the process of his own awakening. Are we tracking? Well, we’ll get into it! He says, «And I also say to you that you are Peter,» which means a stone. He says, «And on this rock—the rock of Revelation—I will build My church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it; the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.» One translation, the King James translation, says «the gates of Hell» and «the gates of Hades.» Then He says, «And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.» Then Jesus commanded His disciples that they should not tell anyone that He was Jesus the Christ.
So much in there! Father, we thank You so much for Your word. It is a lamp unto our feet; it is a light unto our path. God, You assembled us here together this morning because You want to feed us. You are a nourishing God; You don’t leave us malnourished. We recognize that we don’t live by bread alone; we don’t live by natural food, but we live by the food that comes out of Your mouth. So, God, ultimately, we have come here to draw near to Your lips, and we say, «Speak to us.» You know everything about us; You know what we need. You know our down sittings and our uprisings. You know the condition of our hearts, our minds, and our souls. God, we came to dine in Your presence. You said that You would prepare a table for us, even in the presence of our enemies—the enemies of fear, doubt, anxiety, insecurity, and loneliness. All of these enemies, You prepare a table and say that if we eat from this table, we’re going to make it. Not only will we make it—we’re not just going to survive, but we’re going to thrive because You are feeding us. So, God, we came here today from Denver, Colorado, to Los Angeles, California, to all around the world—from Germany to Pakistan, God, to Israel—and we’re here to receive and to dine. I thank You, Lord, for the spirit of wisdom, revelation, insight, and knowledge. I thank You, God, that I have all of Heaven’s capabilities to bring about miraculous, delivering power that will touch, heal, transform, affirm, confirm, elevate, and liberate Your sons and daughters that You love so much. I decree right now, in the name of Jesus, that not one person under the sound of my voice will leave here untouched nor unchanged. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, and if you agree, I dare you to put your hands together, open your mouth, and say, «Amen!» Let it be established! Come on, let it be established! I wish I had some people who understood the moment that you’re in; God is in it. Can we celebrate like He is? I feel it! Oh, it’s going to be a great day in the Lord! You may be seated; I’m going to get into just a little bit of…
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#203 Joseph Prince - Accepted in the Beloved, Empowered to Succeed (FULL)