David Jeremiah - Passing the Torch

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". As we conclude this series of messages on the life of Elijah, I feel like I'm parting from a mentor and a friend. We have learned so much from Elijah, it's why I titled...

David Jeremiah - What Ever Happened to God?

David Jeremiah

We live in the age of grace; and in this age, the fire that falls is the fire of God's love that penetrates our hearts and blazes within us until we can't stand it any longer, and we have to respond to the love of God. I'm David...

David Jeremiah - Vengeance

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". You may be surprised to hear me say that some sermons are harder to preach than others. Today's message relates to a sobering episode in the life of Elijah the prophet that we...

David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". One of the things I love most about the Bible is its realistic portrayal of humanity, saints and sinners alike, especially the way God uses ordinary people to accomplish...

David Jeremiah - The Aftermath

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". So far, in our current series, we have been studying the incredible life of the prophet Elijah. In today's message, I'm going to raise a serious topic, something that...

David Jeremiah - One Man Against the World

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah. Welcome to "Turning Point". Today, from the life of Elijah, we are going to learn the most important lesson in the Christian life. The act of faith is not as important as the object of faith. Exactly what that...

David Jeremiah - The First Resurrection in the Bible

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah. Thank you for joining me on today's edition of "Turning Point". When we read about the miracles that Christ performed, we are humbled and amazed, especially when He restored life to someone who had died. But...

David Jeremiah - The Furnace of Faith

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah and welcome to "Turning Point". We are currently studying the life of the prophet Elijah in a series called, "Someone Like You". We're learning that God is looking for ordinary people who will trust...

David Jeremiah - The School of Faith

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, welcoming you to today's edition of "Turning Point". At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, most students were excused from attending classes, but after a few months at home, those same students couldn't...

David Jeremiah - The Life of Elijah

David Jeremiah

I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". I begin today with a question: What is the most popular category of hardback books? No surprise, it's memoirs and biographies. We love stories about people. Sometimes we think...