David, when he was having a rough day, and you’ll find this in First Samuel chapter 30, was having an incredibly tough time. He lost everything. He came back to his camp, and everything was gone; enemies had come in, taking everything out of the city, and they burned the whole thing down. They took the servants, the women, and the children. He returned to nothing, and if that weren’t enough, the people who remained wanted to stone him because they blamed him for what had happened. He was having a bad day, and he could have succumbed to the pressure and the weight of that moment. He could have just accepted it, but David said, «I’m going to take charge!» David went and got his Umin and his Thummim, and he put on his priestly garment. I feel the Holy Spirit of God! He put on his worship garment. It was almost as if he needed to remember who he was: «I am a worshiper! I don’t have to take this.» He used to play his harp, and evil spirits would leave; so, he thought, «I don’t have to endure this.» The scriptures say that he donned his worship garment—Hallelujah! The Bible states that he encouraged himself. I’m trying to give you some tools. He didn’t have to go to church; he had learned how to say, «I don’t have to accept this.» Too often, we allow our emotions to take over when we are not at our best, and we just accept it, hoping that tomorrow we will feel better. The problem with that is: what do we miss in the moment when we are not filled? The Bible says David encouraged himself in the Lord. Nobody laid hands on him. Nobody prophesied over him. He prophesied to himself and remembered how to access the presence of the Almighty. I feel God! Do you know that you have access to His presence 24/7? The presence is never closed. When we say in Jesus' name, «Amen, ” and we release you, that is not the end of the presence. You can access perhaps even greater glory in your car if you declare, „I don’t have to take this!“ He encouraged himself in the Lord; the Lord strengthened and empowered him, then sent him back into the enemy’s camp to reclaim everything the enemy thought he was stealing from him. I feel that for somebody! What has been stolen from you lately? I bet if you get your praise back, if you get your worship back, if you change your attitude, and I believe a little late that my David and Davina’s at God’s house, stir up the gift of God! Stir it up! I’m on to something! I’m on a mission, baby! I can’t be stopped! God has His hand on me! I praise Him when I’m crying. I praise Him when I’m sad and lonely. Praise God! Tools, tools, tools! Don’t take that „I’m just not feeling like myself“ excuse. Well then, get back to yourself! It’s unacceptable. Talk to somebody, grab somebody, pray for somebody. If you’ve got a good therapist, do that. But do something! Don’t just sit in it! Let me tell you, I don’t know who this is for, but it is not a small thing. The ultimate vision for whatever comes against you is to kill you. When you tolerate it, you are tolerating the beginning of the spirit of death. I wish you could catch what I’m saying; it’s pathetic! None of my notes is straight-up filling the room! Don’t tolerate it! It’s after you—fight! Fight! You know it’s not the big things that get you; it’s your tolerance of the little things. When the enemy puts a weight on you, it’s not just to annoy you; it’s to wipe you out, to sideline you, and you can’t afford any tolerance for anything anti-you! Are you tracking with me? You’ve got to start swinging at it! That’s why being filled with the Holy Spirit and having all of God’s resources is imperative. You have to pray in tongues! Why? I talked about it on Thursday. Sometimes you won’t understand the weapon formed against you; you will just know that there is a weapon formed against you, but you won’t be able to perceive what’s happening in the spirit realm, which is mysterious. The word tells us that the person who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks mysteries. I wish I could make that clear. I don’t know who this is for; this is not what was supposed to happen, but it was meant to happen. First Corinthians 14 states that he who speaks in an unknown tongue doesn’t understand, but in the Spirit, he’s speaking mysteries. Especially when there is something great in your life, like all of you, there will be weapons formed that transcend your natural consciousness. Praying in the Spirit and praying in tongues will put the fight, the battle, on an equal playing ground. Can we just—those of you who pray in the Spirit and have that gift—do it more?
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