I got stirred this morning as I was praying for you and for today. I really wanted to encourage you and perhaps present a truth about God that oftentimes we forget or maybe we’ve never seen before. As a result of not recognizing this part of God, this ability of God, we may not think it exists, and we become stuck in our circumstances. The particular ability I’m talking about is God’s power to turn things around. God is a turnaround specialist. He is a master at bringing shifts to our lives. Are you hearing me? I want to show you something in Scripture; it’s in Psalm 126. Normally, I flow out of the New King James, but I think the old King James expresses this passage best. It says, «When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.» In other words, God did something—there was a shift. I’m just happy. I’m sorry, I don’t want to freak you out; I won’t break out in tongues. Like, what did he say? You wouldn’t understand that, but it means that God can, in an instant, completely shift something and drastically and dramatically change the course of your life. So much so that when He does it, it’s almost like you’re dreaming. He does it in a way that only He can, and it’s important for us to understand this ability. Sometimes in life, when we have been flowing in a particular direction, our entire sense of consciousness is tied to things going that way, and we start saying things like, «Man, this always happens to me.» Have you ever said that before? Sometimes we can get into a flow. Interestingly enough, it says, «When the Lord turned again the captivity.» That’s significant because it means that God turned it the first time. Can I take my time here? Ultimately, what I’m saying to you is that God is going to shift things in your life. I don’t care how it seems; it looks like the entirety of your universe is moving in one direction—you’re moving that way, your friends are too, your career is, everything around you is moving that way. Your thoughts, your creativity, all that kind of stuff can make you feel stuck, thinking that what is will always be. If it were up to you and your own ability and strength, that may be true; but there is another factor. There is a God who created the heavens and the Earth, a God who the Bible says is behind the scenes, working all things together for our good. When He gets good and ready, He can completely and radically shift things in your life and turn them in a way that when you actually look up and see it’s you living in that flow, it’s like you’re dreaming. I’ve never preached this passage before, but I woke up this morning with a knowing in my spirit that I believe God wanted me to communicate to you that a supernatural and divine turning of things in your favor is coming to you. As a matter of fact, it has come, and now I just need your mind and expectation to start participating in what is. God is going to stun you; you’ll go from feeling cursed to living in the fullness of God’s favor just like that! You’ve been told «no» so many times that some of you think your name is «No.» Someone over there said «No,» right? Watch this. Sometimes God has to take you low in order to lift you high because family, what happens in the low moments is your roots get deep. I promise you, your roots don’t get deep in high tide, high seasons—uh-uh. God is concerned with your roots. He’s concerned with your foundation—not what you have, but who you are. But do not mistake the season where God seems to be turning everything in your life into deep roots for what God ultimately has in store for you. Somebody needs to catch that because if you’re not careful, you can think that trouble lasts forever. You can become the type of believer who just says, «Oh, this is just my cross to bear,» and you lose all hope and expectation of seeing the goodness of God on this side of the Jordan River. I know we have wonderful songs we grew up with, like «One glad morning when this life is over, ” and that’s wonderful—I love that song—but that’s not the whole story. Amen? Oh yes, when this life is over, „Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared.“ But David said, „I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of God in the land of the living.“ Read your Bible—in the land of the living! Sometimes it’s not heaven that gives you the strength to move forward; you have to know that the seeds you’re sowing in this life will produce a harvest for you in this life. That’s why He says, „Don’t be weary in well-doing, for in due season you are going to reap if you don’t faint.“
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Touré Roberts - Destiny Gears - Part 3
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Touré Roberts - The Meaning of Life
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Touré Roberts - Recognizing God
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Touré Roberts - Prayer, The Forgotten Advantage - Part 4