So last week, we talked about the air. This is the second week in a series called «It’s in the Air,» and it’s all about atmospheres, understanding their importance, and navigating them. We will be on this series for at least two more weeks; I may even have a fourth week in me because I believe it is critical. We must understand how to navigate the air and the atmosphere if we are going to remain focused and be productive and effective on earth, particularly when clean air—metaphorically speaking—is such a rare commodity. The air is toxic, and it’s becoming more so every day. There are so many voices out there and so many ways to feel. You can watch television, feeling full of the Holy Spirit, and by the time you get through two or three news stories, you are depressed or angry and ready to fight. It’s the same with social media. There is a lot of toxicity in the air, and we must be very intentional about the atmospheres we allow ourselves to be subjected to. This will be extremely important.
We began that conversation last week when we discussed how atmospheres are comprised of thoughts. Remember that? Thoughts create atmospheres. If you are in a place with a collective group of negative thoughts, it creates an atmosphere. Sometimes a person doesn’t even have to say anything; you can just feel it. Sometimes thoughts are louder than words, and we talked about that. In fact, we looked at 2 Corinthians chapter 10, where Paul taught us that we have a warfare as believers, which is actually a battle over the fears created by fortified arguments—thoughts that have become so concrete in the air and in our minds that they solidify into fortified arguments. He said that we have weapons; the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty through God for pulling down strongholds.
We are atmosphere shifters, atmosphere shapers, and atmosphere creators. Sometimes, to win in life, we must recognize these arguments, cast them down, and bring the atmosphere into one of truth. You remember we talked about this last week? If you weren’t here, you must go listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube video to catch up, as we are building upon last week’s discussion. We even talked about Jesus and saw that he faced the same challenges. He was on a mission to heal Jairus’s daughter, but encountered debilitating atmospheres filled with doubt and cynicism that he had to address to complete the task. You need to filter the people you invite into certain environments, as some things cannot be manifested or produced in the wrong atmosphere. Remember we discussed that? Sometimes, the reason something isn’t being produced is because it exists in the wrong atmosphere.
I feel the Holy Spirit here. Sometimes you have to shift your environment, community, and company to unleash what God has placed inside you. Not everything that God has put in you can be birthed anywhere. This is extremely important. You may feel that God has failed you, but God is saying you need to change your environment, as certain things can only be cultivated and stimulated in specific surroundings. You must be desperate to produce what God has placed in you, willing to sacrifice environments or other distractions to fulfill that purpose. You were born to give birth to something. Before God put you in your mother’s womb, he placed specific things inside you. You cannot die without bringing those things to fruition, and you must be willing to make difficult and counter-cultural decisions to manifest what God put in you. Are you tracking with me? Do I have any people who will do what it takes? You must realize you are on a ticking clock—a timer—and there are things that must be birthed from you. If you don’t bring it forth, your grandchildren will suffer.
That’s why there is such a thing as a greenhouse—a controlled environment designed to produce what it is supposed to produce. You have to manage your environment seriously. There are certain things that I needed to make moves about, discerned that I could never manifest them in a certain place. Oh, how I wish I had more time today! There were moves I had to make, pushing against the grain, and some people didn’t understand. Some called me proud, but I wasn’t proud; I was trying to bring forth what God had put in me. Just because you can’t see what’s inside me doesn’t mean it’s not there—that’s your problem, not mine. I have to steward what I know God placed in me. Where are my great people?