I want to speak to you tonight. Please be seated. I want to say a couple of things to you tonight. Um, I want to draw your attention to 1 John chapter 4. We’re going to look at the first four verses there, and the point that I want to drive home, if there were a title, is this: «It’s in you, it’s in you, it’s in you.» Can you do me a favor? I just want you to put your hand on your stomach or your chest, wherever it feels appropriate, and just say, «It’s in me.» One more time, just say, «It’s in me.» Oh, I feel God! One more time; we’re going to get it this third time because I feel like there’s going to be a breakthrough on this one. I already felt it, but I want you to feel it when you say it and truly believe it. Even if you don’t yet know quite what you believe, I promise it will be anointed. One more time, I want you to put your hand somewhere on yourself and declare to yourself that it’s in you. Come on, «It’s in me!» Yeah, okay.
So the word says, «Beloved.» I like that. That’s that word, right? We just came off the love series. Beloved, that’s who you are. Who are you? You are the Beloved. That’s your name. I don’t have to put your name in there. I’m telling you right now, you’re loved. That’s who you are. You are the loved, and therefore, be loved. Beloved, do not believe every spirit. Oh, this is too much! Do not believe every spirit. What is a spirit? A spirit is, you know, we can get into demons—that’s wonderful, it’s that too—but ultimately, it’s a way of thinking. Because even if you make it a demon, that’s fine; there’s a place for it. Yeah, but even if you make it a demon, the demon is all about getting you to think a certain way. If I can get you to think something, you can accept something. So right now, there is a warning to you: don’t believe every spirit. In a room like this, there are a bunch of spirits, a bunch of ideas, a bunch of thoughts, a bunch of ways, a bunch of lies—just a bunch of stuff. And the Bible says that you cannot believe everyone; you have to guard your spirit.
There is a word in the scripture called «devout.» It’s translated as «devout.» It’s an interesting word. When we think of devout, we often think of someone who is just holier than thou and all that kind of stuff. But literally, that word that was translated as «devout» in the book of Acts is a Greek word, and you know what it means? It literally means to take well or to receive well. Beloved, believe not every spirit. You have to master your spirit so that your spirit knows how to receive well. It doesn’t take in anything that comes at it. Oh, you’re not ready; I’m just getting warmed up!
If you’re going to do destiny, if you’re going to do life, if you’re going to do purpose, if you’re going to be powerful, if you’re going to continuously progress, you have to be selective about what spirits you take and what spirits you receive. Sometimes a spirit can come through what somebody says to you. Sometimes a spirit can come through what you say to yourself. You cannot believe every spirit. Sometimes a spirit will come to you and say, «God can’t help you.» Sometimes a spirit will come to you and say, «This sickness is unto death.» Sometimes a spirit will come to you and say, «You’re going to be put out of your house.» Sometimes a spirit will come to you and say, «You’re going to fail.» All day long, spirits come at us, and you have to learn how to not believe every spirit.
It says, «Beloved.» Man, I feel Heaven! Because if you receive any and all types of spirits, then you are going to become what you receive. There are some people in here right now, and you are well watching—maybe not you, but somebody watching—and your whole attitude right now is because of a spirit you’ve believed. What are you allowing to communicate with your spirit? Because your spirit is who you are. So you can’t just believe any spirit that tries to communicate with your spirit because there are spirits after your spirit. Man, I wish I could say this better. There are spirits after your spirit because those spirits want to control you. They want you to think less than you ought to think. They want you to think that this is what life is, that this is what life is about. And you have to be selective about what spirits you allow into your spirit, and that’s why you have to be selective about people.
Hey, because people are just a bag of spirits. If they’re not filled with the Holy Spirit, they’re just a bag of spirits, ideas, and thoughts. I feel this for somebody—you don’t just let anybody into your house! You’re not ready for this. You don’t just let anybody into your house. I don’t know what spirit you are of. You’re of something! Beloved, believe not every spirit, it says, but test. Man, I don’t feel like moving on. I feel like I need to stay right in there. Could I be feeling the way I am feeling because I’ve believed a spirit that I shouldn’t have? Could I be down? Could I be full of lust? Oh, we got quiet on that second one. Could I be drawn to something that I shouldn’t be drawn to?
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