The word the Lord gave me is a different type of message; in fact, it comes from a preparation sample, and it’s an uncomfortable word for me. You know, sometimes God gives me words for a sermon, and sometimes he gives me words through prophetic declarations. Are you tracking with me? Some things are taught, while other things are caught. This is not a teaching word; you have got to catch it. You’ve got to catch it. I’m telling you, if you catch it, it is going to set you ablaze according to everything that God has. Is anybody ready to run? You’ve been crawling, you’ve been walking, but I declare to you right now: it is your season to run with power, vigor, and focus. The word that God gave me is titled «Everything is Now.» I have a disclaimer about this word: I am against discrimination in every form and fashion, but this message is a little discriminatory; it’s not for everybody. If you want to be a cute little Christian and not change the world, this word is not for you. You might as well just say, «May the Lord bless and keep you,» but if you’re someone who recognizes that you are alive for such a time as this, and God has placed something great on the inside of you that has to get out, you will not die until everything God has placed inside of you comes forth. If that is you, if you are pregnant with purpose and pregnant with destiny, this word is for you. The title is simply «Everything is Now.» Everything is now! Do me a favor and declare to somebody next to you, «Everything is Now!» You have to pray for me because if I lose my voice, I’m going to have to run a video, and I want to do this live. Matthew, chapter 5, beginning at verse 13. Everything is now. Not tomorrow, not when you feel like it, and not when you think you’re ready. I want to talk now. Do me a favor, high-five somebody and say, «Hold on.» Come on, hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Hold on! Matthew 5, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Let it happen! Let it happen! I want to… Oh, somebody’s saying, «That’s all I’ve got.» That’s all I’ve got. That’s all you need! Alright, okay, okay, okay, handling all right. Matthew, chapter 5, beginning at verse 13, says, «You are the salt of the earth.» You! Not your pastor, not your boss. Turn to somebody and say, «It’s you!» You’re the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? In other words, what makes salt salt is that it is salty. That’s what defines salt: it is authentically itself, which means that if the salt is no longer salty, as the passage continues, it is good for nothing. It literally will be trampled on or trampled underfoot by men. In other words, the reason why some of you might be getting walked on in life is that you are not being who God created you to be. I feel the Holy Spirit. I’m trying to get through this. If you’re not who God has called you to be, you will be walked on in life. You will be the tail and the doormat, not the head. Could it be that the reason why you are not winning, the reason why you’re not being respected, is that you’ve got this talent, this gift, and this ability from God’s vision, but it seems powerless, and no one will even listen? What if it’s because your saltiness is losing its savor? You are trying to blend in. I feel the Holy Spirit. When the reality is, if you were to remain pure, you would stand out. If the salt loses its flavor, where will it be seasoned? In other words, where do you get the seasoning of you outside of you? I wish I could say that again. How do you sprinkle you on you? You don’t find yourself outside of yourself; you find yourself from within. It’s your core, and it’s what makes you salty. It’s what makes you distinct. If you do not embrace your God-given distinction, then you will be trampled underfoot by men, wondering why you are always trying to have somebody lift you up and give you a hand up instead of taking this thing by force and being the world changer that you are. God did not anoint a lesser version of you; He anointed the authentic version of you. Just do me a favor and say, «The real you is salty!» Will you? You’re the salt of the earth. But if the salt… Yeah, yeah, I like that! You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. Jesus continues, and I love this because we’re pushing a lot of things onto Jesus, and here in this passage, Jesus is pushing a lot of things onto us. Jesus is talking; he says, «You are the salt of the earth.» Then he says in verse 14, «You are the light of the world.» It’s you! It’s you! I know we sing, «Jesus is the light of the world,» but Jesus right here said, «You are.»
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